will order in about an hour. Any last minute comments? thanks all!
dburr Active Member Mar 2, 2005 #22 Any ideas about painting the inside white? Buy reflectors, that will send more light in the tank than paint.
Any ideas about painting the inside white? Buy reflectors, that will send more light in the tank than paint.
masala4080 Member Mar 2, 2005 #23 They come with reflectors. And also a long reflective strip to hang above. I am talking about the rest of the canopy. Just purchased the MH and the 4 Fans. Will post pics when I get them. Around next week!!!
They come with reflectors. And also a long reflective strip to hang above. I am talking about the rest of the canopy. Just purchased the MH and the 4 Fans. Will post pics when I get them. Around next week!!!