
I have a 2inch piccaso trigger and like a 1 inch niger trigger in with a valentine puffer that is about 3inch and a saddle that is 2 inch i was wondering wat would be better to add a 3 inch lion or a dragon wrasse this is in a 40 gallon but in time they will be moved into a bigger tank or returned to the store . Thanks i know these fish will all out grow this tank but i have a bout 9 months i think an i also really like this aquarium it is a acrylic corner tank so i like the way these fish look in it. Thanks for any help on wat would be a better fish to get. Any info on the draggon wrasse is apreciated .


New Member
i would add the wrasse i've had puffers pick at small lions, but try not to get a wrasse that is too big as dragon wrasses can be a little nippy.
One more ? my friend has a nice clown trigger that is 2inch as well and he is willing to trade it to me for 20 bucks an my huma trigger i think i will do that instead. are clown triggers pretty hardy. Another ? is i have a marine land emperor 400 in my tank and im going to get a marineland magnum H.O.T in 2 weeks the question is wat is better for filteration getting 4 filter pads in the emperor or putting the 2 they gave me and then with the 2 other containers adding carbon. OR is there anything else i should buy? last question is will my clown trigger be picked on by either of the puffers or the lil niger trigger. If anything i heard the clown will mess with them.thanks for any response
Next question do u think this can work for maybe 6 months then most likely now im thinking of getting a 120gallon the clown trigger right now is from here to here 1 1 and the niger is even smaller then that at this time i know they get huge but likke the way they look small and dont want to put them in with my tang becuase of water quality and dont want to put them in with sharks becuase they will be lunch. thanks
I thought about it an i feel u are corect that these fish do need more room today im going to get a 60 gallon to keep them they are all still babys i do have to questions tho the blue jaw triggers i really like them but do they come small ive never seen one smaller then 6inches i really want one 2 to 3 inches also i have a valentine puffer and a saddle puffer in my tank right now i dont know wat is happening but the valentine is always hungry and eats constantly the saddle only eats wen there is brine shrimp floating in front of him sometimes he will go eat alot and then sometimes he wont care he will just sit there an not eat there fins are perfect so there not fighting but is this normal i heard that saddles have big apetites. thanks for any reply