54 gal corner reef build


I got a BTA this weekend. My clown is so happy. It used to hide under the rocks all day and now it swims about the the tank and loves to burrow in his host.
I got my first coral on Sat and I would love to post some pics but my son pored juice on my camera and now it wont turn on.
I also did a water change and when I turn off the return pump about 15 dead flies floated up. My sump is in my garage. I put screen on top of my sump to keep out the bugs. I'm hoping to finish wiring my garage so I wont have to have all the cords dangling down to the floor.
Well any way here is a pic for now!


Hello all, I know that it's been a while since I posted. Here are some updates. I upgraded my skimmer to a E.T.S.S. downdraft skimmer and I feel that it was the best investment I ever made. I got it used for $50 and when I got it, it looked brand new. In the first 2 weeks I collected 2 gals of skimmate.
I finally added some corals. I think that they look great and I hope to add more soon. I still need get a CO2 tank for my CA reactor before I add the SPS.
Here is my current stock list.
Yellow Stripped Maroon Clown
Christmas Wrasse
Bi-color Foxface Lo
Lawnmower Blenny
Kenya tree
A small piece of Xenia
Misc zoas, green, pink, orange and more green
A large Fungia that is splitting
some kind of star polyp that grows out of tubes
and a BTA
Well here are some updated pictures I hope everyone enjoys them please post comments. I feel kinda lonely on this thread.



Hello all,
I just wanted to post an updated pic of my son Roman. He's getting so big. He keeps me very busy. I've been home taking care of my family for a month because my wife had surgery. I wont go back to work till the end of Nov. I hate that I have all this time off of work and I cant work on the remodeling that I'm doing to my house. I tired to do some work, like paint doors and trim and I had to stop every five minutes to help one of the 5 million children I have or my wife.
As you can tell, we dont ever feed this child. He'll be 4 months old in 4 days.


Active Member
Congrats on your little guy.
The tank looks like fun! It is fun to have the fuge away from your tank so you can see the little critters in there better.


Hello all,
I'm having some issues with my water. I noticed that my Xenia died off so I started to get worried. The next day none of my corals would open and my fish looked stressed. I did a full water check and found that my CA was 750, my SG was 1.028. and my MG was sitting at about 800.
I did 3 water changes over the last 2 days and my parameters are getting better except my MG.
Here are my current readings:
SG 1.023
PH 8.4
MG 650
CA 500
Ammonia 0
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
I was really surprised that my CA didn't precipitate out and turn into snow. My corals are starting to look better and my fish are eating again. Unfortunately I think that I'm going to loose a few corals because they have a green algae film growing on them. The last time I had this type of algae growing on a coral it died.
I'll try to take some pictures of the corals tomorrow and post them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bgrae001
Hello all,
I'm having some issues with my water. I noticed that my Xenia died off so I started to get worried. The next day none of my corals would open and my fish looked stressed. I did a full water check and found that my CA was 750, my SG was 1.028. and my MG was sitting at about 800.
I did 3 water changes over the last 2 days and my parameters are getting better except my MG.
Here are my current readings:
SG 1.023
PH 8.4
MG 650
CA 500
Ammonia 0
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
I was really surprised that my CA didn't precipitate out and turn into snow. My corals are starting to look better and my fish are eating again. Unfortunately I think that I'm going to loose a few corals because they have a green algae film growing on them. The last time I had this type of algae growing on a coral it died.
I'll try to take some pictures of the corals tomorrow and post them.
I was having this problem but purchased a seachem po4 remover and am seeing coral recover quite nicely.


Originally Posted by stdreb27
I was having this problem but purchased a seachem po4 remover and am seeing coral recover quite nicely.
As far as I know my RO water has very low TDS. I'll take some by my LFS today and have them chack it for me.


I think that my tank is on it's way to recovery. My corals are starting to shed.
My MG was really low, I'm slowly bringing it back into normal range.
I thought my Wrasse died. But then I found it in my overflow.
I'll keep you posted to the progress.


I did have a massive bacteria growing in my water storage tank. I replaced it and now my tank is doing great.
I had a rough day yesterday. my LFS is closing its doors for good. I went to wish him well and he offered me some great prices on some of the stock he had left. I got:
a new foxface (the old one died with my tank crash)
yellow tang
flame angel
orange butterfly
6 line wrasse
and a lavender tang
I also got 5 corals for only $50
I got a Frog Spawn
yellow cup coral
a rock with 10 green rics
devils hand
I also got new PC bulbs and some pods everything total was less than $250
I'll post some pics when everyone is out and about.


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I finally took some pictures. I'm still having water quality problems so we decided to buy a UV sterilizer. Some of my corals are still bleaching out and not fully opening. I've been doing water changed weekly or twice a week if I had the time. My water parameters are spot on. SG 1.023, KH 10, PH 8.2, CA 440, MG 1200, Ammonia 0, Nitrite and Nitrate 0, Temp 78. I only use RO/DI water and just changed out my filters with a tds of 001. The corals seem much happier after a water change. I do reuse my filter socks, I wash them in the washing machine with only a cap of bleach then I wait for them to dry completely before I put them back in the tank. Maybe I should try some new filter socks!
Anyway here are a few pictures! What do you think?



Hi all,
I know it's been a while since I posted. I haven't made many changes to my tank over the last few months. Most of my corals have died off and I wont be adding any for a while. I have plans for a few upgrades but they will have to wait. I'm leaving next week for a 1 yr tour in Afghanistan. I'll have plenty of time to plan out the changes I want to make.
Please pray for me and my family!
Thank you,


Thank you for serving - I have all the respect in the world for you guys.Keep us updated on your situation and stay safe man.