Hello all, I know that it's been a while since I posted. Here are some updates. I upgraded my skimmer to a E.T.S.S. downdraft skimmer and I feel that it was the best investment I ever made. I got it used for $50 and when I got it, it looked brand new. In the first 2 weeks I collected 2 gals of skimmate.
I finally added some corals. I think that they look great and I hope to add more soon. I still need get a CO2 tank for my CA reactor before I add the SPS.
Here is my current stock list.
Yellow Stripped Maroon Clown
Christmas Wrasse
Bi-color Foxface Lo
Lawnmower Blenny
Kenya tree
A small piece of Xenia
Misc zoas, green, pink, orange and more green
A large Fungia that is splitting
some kind of star polyp that grows out of tubes
and a BTA
Well here are some updated pictures I hope everyone enjoys them please post comments. I feel kinda lonely on this thread.