54 gallon bowfront corner mixed reef profile

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Last year I upgraded my 10 gallon kitchen nano to a 65 gallon with a 20 gallon frag tank. Three months ago I also set up a 54 gallon corner in my wife and I's apartment for all of the zoos and softies, and a few choice hard corals. Many of the corals you'll recognize from my nano (thread here ) Our house is being built and will be ready late this year or early next year, but the 10 gallon outgrew itself and I got the green light from my wife for more tanks. In the new house my 180 will go back up along with a larger tank I'm planning. The good news is the builder is putting in a room on the ground level that will contain all of the guts, including installation of 5 20 amp circuits
My eventual dream tank will go in this house, so I never wanted to have to upgrade... all of you other addicted hobbyists can understand :D.
I'll profile the 54 in this thread, and show the 65 seperate. Profile will follow... first some candy...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Jerry, my Solomon Island true perc from the nano got a mate, and after originally fighting are almost spending the night together...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
The frogspawn I started as a frag in my nano is now a full colony and went through some fraggings after growing too large in the 10...

nm reef

Active Member
Your systems have always been very impressive...and continue to get better. I'm seriously looking forward to seeing a mature large reef. You obviously have the patience/experience and skill to develop any size system...but I'm betting the dream reef will be the best of the lot. Thanks for the eye candy and by all means keep us posted on future developments!:happyfish

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
NMreef thank you very much. The dream system is a couple of years in the future, but I thought ahead and spoke to the builder. The modifications were $3,000, but rolled into our first

that isn't too much extra. I'm planning on something close to 8'x4'x2', in the neighborhood of 500 gallons. I have always wanted a wide reef. I'm planning on it being three sided viewing with a 4 foot side against the wall. It will be a while, and my wife wants the kids first, as do I.
Anyway, back to the present... my zoanthid collection on the sandbed of the 54...