54 gallon bowfront corner mixed reef profile

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
These are some gorgeous blues that actually came on a living tunicate (you could see one of the mouths of the tunicate in the photo).


very nice brook, i got robz sending me a frag of his tort here next week, aint life grand, and i cant wait to see future posts on your dream tank, even if i hafta wait 3 yrs

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Thanks spsaddict... I have two pieces of Robie's "DC tort" under 10ks... not dark purple but still awesome color... here's one in my 65...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Now for the specs...
54 gallon bowfront corner AGA reef ready
lighting- 1 250 watt DE AB 20k on IceCap E-ballast
protein skimmer- Euroreef ES5-2
custom plumbing with refugium and two Stockman standpipes
return pump- MAG 9.5 going through a SCWD on each side of the tank
ph monitor and temp monitor
4 watt UV
custom Nilsen Reactor being built, which will be connected to auto topoff
The sump is a 15 high. I knew what I wanted on this simple setup but it was tough to fit. I use both predrilled holes on the overflow as drains, with the 1" going to the sump and the 3/4" going to the custom fuge (lit 24/7).
There's plenty more... any questions just ask... that's just about it for the night...:happyfish


Excellent tanks...I'm speechless
Where are you located in NoVa? I gotta find out where you do your shopping, get some pointers or something!

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Thanks everyone...
JLM I have three squamipinnis anthias in the 54, and a pair of Bartlett's in the 65. When we move I'll add more females to the groups in the larger systems. I have always thought that a large reef is never complete without a shoal of anthias. Also, there are many beautiful HARDY species of anthias, so there should be no need for most of us to experiment with the more delicate species...
rwhite we are currently in Dulles/Sterling, but the house is being built in Leesburg. The list of online and local vendors I shop at is long, but many things I get through fellow hobbyists, including just about all of the zoanthids.
JnC it is more addicting than crack... but crack is cheaper...


excellent johnny... looks great! i always thought you had the most beautiful nano, now you have a beautiful large reef! i love your zoo's! keep us posted on its progress.