The reason I have all of my zoanthids in the corner tank... my red sea regal angel... I fed many at the importer for a while before I finally found this guy attacking formula 1 like no other... when our house is built he will grace the 180, and eventually have a buddy in the larger tank if I'm as lucky as
this guy , who has a breeding pair complete with it on video.
This past week gave him the first test... I added this encrusting montipora he's looking at which had some zoanthids on it... within 8 hours or so it was picked clean of zoanthids. Regals love them apparently from what I've read (and now witnessed first hand), but luckily so far he's left everything else alone, including clams and ricordea.
This is arguably the most beautiful fish in the ocean, and better shipping and collecting methods have benefitted them no doubt as they are a weak shipper...