54 gallon bowfront corner mixed reef profile


New Member
How did you get all that equipment in your tank stand. I gave up on the idea of a refugium for my 54 corner. I had a stand and canopy custom madetank. I needed my system to be automated for at least a week at a time, which it turns out requires ~14 gallons of makeup water per week with my lighting. I add Seachem Reef builder and Calcium from two separate makeup water reservoirs, activated with a float switch in the sump. That alone consumes all my stand space.
You have a great tank....

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Chiton you have sweet setup! I fit everything in the stand by keeping this system simple and through planning. I lucked out by having the 15 gallon high fit right in the stand, and basically went with the largest refugium I could fit. The euroreef fits in the sump, and I used an internal return pump. I just got my Nilsen this week which will go behind the tank, along with the makeup water. I spend far more time on my sps setup.
Paco... gracias por tus palabras:joy:
druluv, I live in Northern Virginia now... born in Brooklyn though and raised in Northern Jersey... if you're interested in where I shop down here I'll list them...
Reef Magic pink is a good color!... here's some new additions, starting with pinks...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Not the best picture but I got about ten of these red centered. Unlike alot of other "reds", these don't appear orange at all...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
A bad picture (it's tough sometimes to photograph through bowfront on an angle), but these have a yellow center followed by green and purple... very nice...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Not the most exciting color, but these are large zoanthids (PPE style) and caught my eye enough to buy. I wish I had a size reference, but these are definately hard to come by. The place I get these imports direct from everywhere... most of these new pieces were from the Solomon Islands...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Closeup of a large rock I picked up that has some dark reds mixed in... the yellow centers are nice too... while I consider myself an sps guy, you have got to love zoanthids, as none could design them better than nature...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
The reason I have all of my zoanthids in the corner tank... my red sea regal angel... I fed many at the importer for a while before I finally found this guy attacking formula 1 like no other... when our house is built he will grace the 180, and eventually have a buddy in the larger tank if I'm as lucky as this guy , who has a breeding pair complete with it on video.
This past week gave him the first test... I added this encrusting montipora he's looking at which had some zoanthids on it... within 8 hours or so it was picked clean of zoanthids. Regals love them apparently from what I've read (and now witnessed first hand), but luckily so far he's left everything else alone, including clams and ricordea.
This is arguably the most beautiful fish in the ocean, and better shipping and collecting methods have benefitted them no doubt as they are a weak shipper...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
There are many awesome tanks... but his is an inspiration. To have five breeding pairs, including three species of angels, shows that even in a small chunk of ocean (350 gallons), these animals could thrive to the point of reproduction. It won't be long before they are being produced in mass numbers enough to where they become commercially available and cheap (as is the case with Pomacanthus maculosus).
Did you check out the spawning videos?

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
I don't think it's all a matter of luck... how many people have even tried keeping two large angels in a reef setting in a large enough tank? Not many... and that's why this guy is inspiring. He does give the dawn/dusk effect on his tank, which I'm sure helps...
On a side note my cardinals are spawning in my sps system. I have a seperate thread going here... but here is the male with the eggs...


i just saw your post i don't visit here often. awesome corner tank, i also have a 54 corner that i am prepping to become all zoos and ricordia's. i just ordered $600 worth of them from thesea.org. just curious on the refugium that you have, what kind, type, brand is that clear refugium you have. its funny, i have the same little stool on my tank but with a square 5 gallon white office trash can as the refugium.

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Hey Willy, my refugiums are made with your standard "critter keeper" that you could find in any major pet store. Mine is the largest variety they make. Good luck with your order...