55 agressive


hey all im waiting for my tank to finish cycling. when it finishes i want to go with an aggressive or semi aggresive tank. i have made up somewhat of a list of stuff i want to put in my tank, but im still trying to figure out my exact list.
here are some of the fish i am interested in adding. (in order of what i want the most)
1. sf eel
2 small niger trigger (will switch it out when it gets too big)
3. volitan lion
4 bi color or coral beauty ange
5 starkii damsel
6 flame hawk
once again....before you jump all over me...im not adding all of these. i just like and want these fish and was hoping to get a little advice from more experienced people on which of these would do well together in a tank. also any other suggestions are welcome. thanks


I kept a 55 with an sfe a niger and a coral beauty and they got along great. The lion is a definate no go in a 55, besides , the damsel would make a nice meal for him. There are a few dwarf species of lions that would go gret in a 55.


ok cool what kind of dwarf would go good with them....or would that be too much. like a fuzzy or a fu manchu or what? also if i went with the sf niger and bi color/CB angel....could i also add a starkii or hawk or both or would would that be pushin it?


Active Member
I would probably not do the damsel if you were doing an angel. The hawk should be fine as the 5th and last fish though.
As for the lion, a fuzzy dwarf would be the best choice.


ok from what i am getting. i should go with the following
1 sf eel
2 niger
3 fuzzy dwarf lion
4 CB
5 flame hawk
i think ill give that a try....might leave out the fuzzy lion though....not a huge fan of them.
let me know if you guys think that sounds ok....and what order you would put them in. also any other ideas for one more if i leave out the fuzzy dwarf lion? or should i just stick with those 4? thanks for all the replies


Active Member
If you leave out the lion, maybe do a dwarf toby puffer. They are cool, colorful, and active fish. Blue spots and valentinis would go great in your tank. As far as order, I would do:
1) Toby Puffer
2) flame hawk
3) Coral Beauty Angel
4) SFE
5) Niger trigger (only because they can get territorial if they are the first or second fish
I really do not have a problem with the angel because this is not a true aggressive tank. The flame hawk is not one of the most aggressive hawks, an SFE is the least aggressive eel (some would even call it passive), a niger is peaceful if added at the proper time, and a toby puffer is non-aggressive. Just give the tank a little while to mature with a large amount of live rock in order to get an angel to live and thrive. I would set the tank up and cycle it with live rock for six weeks. Add a clean-up crew and let that go for another two weeks. Then add your first fish and give your first fish a few weeks to a month to establish itself in the tank. Do the same for your next fish. By this time, your tank will be set up for 3-4 months with the proper amount of live rock, so your tank should have a plentiful amount of bacteria to support an angel. Then, you will get the eel and the trigger next, this way, preventing their aggression because they are the last two added.


I have a CB and a 1 inch damsel in my tank along with a sf eel and they get along awesome. The cb and sfe share a cave! He has never tried to eat any of them but either way you should probably keep him well fed. Mine loves squid formula one krill silversides...and an occasional ghost shrimp or two for him and my arrow crab.


Active Member
lions are prettty dosile fish they noramlly are safe for anything that does fit into his mouth.they are more preditorial than agressive.if you must have one make sure his tank mates dont harass him.as for the niger I have one im not particularly fond of if i could catch the

id get rid of him lol


Hi, I can't help it. It's like my 5th or 6th post of the evening. But, I thinkI've got something to pass on.
A 55 really isn't large enough for an agressive tank. I mean, honestly, think about it, are there any truly aggressive fish that would live in only 55 gal of water?
Yeah, I don't think so. Spend a few more bucks, get the right lights, put in a nice skimmer and set up a reef. You'll be soooooo much happier in the long run. Get some shrimp and a goby or a blenny and some other inverts. You'll have a really happy tank and you'll really like what you're doing.+