55 FOWLR fish suggestions needed


I have aquired a 75 gallon so i'm going to move my reef into that and i'll have a 55 sitting around so i figured what they hey, i'll do a FOWLR since there are plenty of fish that'd be cool to have but aren't reef safe.
I was hoping to go for a porcupine puffer, an angler of some sort black if i can find one if not an orange one, a snow flake eel and a Volitan Lion. All of these I'd get small ones so they'll be good in a 55 for a couple years, i'm guessing they probably don't grow too fast. Would this grouping be ok?
Then i should be moving into a house so i'll be able to upgrade to a 240 gallon reef tank and a 240 Fish Only probably would add a small shark.


porc puffer and the volitan lion won't work as both will get too large very quickly. you will need a 125+ gallon for both of those. The eel will work but I'd suggest a dwarf fuzzy or zebra lionfish. I'm going to pick up one to put into my 55 gallon tonight that I've had on hold at the LFS
Depending on the timing of your move I'd hold off on the volitan and porcupine til you have the move complete and the new tank setup. A dwarf lionfish can always go in there with them. Also, there are others here who can better answer the compatibility with an angler and that tank. Read, read, read, and then read til you think you can take good care of the fish you chose.


Active Member
Anglers are much better in species only tanks as they will eat fish almost the same size as them but are slow eaters so more aggresive feeders aren't good tankmates. Volitan and puffer grow too big too fast for a 55, a toby puffer and dwarf lion would be fine. Snowflake should also be fine, provided with enought live rock to hide in. Make sure you have very good filtration as predators are messy eaters and big poopers.


My 55g, which is currently cycling, will have a snowflake eel, fuzzy dwarf lion, and valentini puffer (tentatively...if any fin-nipping happens, the puffer is gonna be kicked to the curb). I put 2" PVC piping in the sand, hoping to discourage the eel from blundering about the rocks all the time and knocking stuff over.


Yeah, i'm going to make the rock for this tank so I'll make a special rock complex for the eel. So if i got a 3" Porcupine Puffer and/or Volitan Lion they'd out grow the tank within a year? They must grow really really fast then. Would a spiny box puffer grow too fast as well? If so and i went with the dwarf lion, snowflake eel and dumped the angler what cool fish could i put in there? Could I do two dwarf lions, the eel and maybe a Sea Goblin and Sailfin/Rogue Scorpion?
I will be getting the tank drilled and so there will be a 10 gallon fuge and a 20 gallon sump with skimmer and turn over would be about 600 GPH.


Oh and also are there any inverts i could put in there? like a spider decorator crab? or whatever wouldn't get killed.


No to the trigger, they will just be monsters in that sized tank. The goblin is delicate and i would not suggest it. It can be housed with lions but i think the puffer would nip at him, they are curious fish. For inverts large hermits could work. Also it sound like you are trying to way overstock your tank. It is only a 55 so dont go over board. I would stay with one dwarf lion, the SFE, and one of the toby puffers. But if you kept up with the upkeep then maybe two lions. You could even do a fuzzy and a zebra or even a fo-man-chu lion. Just remember to stock lightly.


Originally Posted by Vanos
Get a small trigger like a niger or a picasso and a sfe.
no trigger is small, they all get bigger. But if you really like the look of a trigger you could try a file fish of some sort like the fan tail or fire files.


That could work. But be carful with the goblin. They are a little tricky to get eating. Just make sure it gets fed.


awesome, will do. tank probably won't be set up for a couple months anyways, i did move my reef tank to the 75 last night, that was a riot.