55 g Fish List


Active Member
I'm going to try once again to get some input. It looks like assessors are hard to come by. So I was thinking of a final list of
-2 Ocelaris clowns (already have)
-Valentini Puffer (not on above list)
-Coral beauty or blackback butterflyfish
Does this work and what order should I add them?
I was thinking next the puffer, then the sfe, and after the tank has been up 6 months or more the coral beauty or blackback butterflyfish.
Thanks for any input. This is the last time I will bump this and then I'll just wing it and see what happens if I don't get any input. I think my plan is good, from the research I have done, but I don't know that I can trust my lfs so this is my best resource.


I gave up on a assessor, so I ordered a yellow blennie, when I got it in the tank it was a green one with a black stripe. So i'm stuck with it now, going to look for a couple yellow chromis to go with my blue green one. Then add my Flame Angel in a month.