55 gal complete setup in Michigan


Need to sell this because we are moving to Phoenix. We are in St. Joseph, MI (about 1.5 hrs from Grand Rapids, 2 hrs from Chicago, 1 hr from South Bend) :help:
• 55 gallon tank on oak stand (with 2 doors)
• oak canopy with lift-up top
•_48" JBJ Formosa 260 watt Retrofit Power Compact lights
• 2 Penguin 330 filters (we only use one)
• 3 PowerSweep 228 Powerheads
•_EBO-Jager 200 watt heater
• 3+" live sand bed
• additional 2 gallons unused crushed coral
• about 70 lbs of live rock, with green algae outbreak :rolleyes:
• 1 smaller powerhead for mixing saltwater
• small heater and aerator for making water
• battery powered aerator for power outages
• 6' AND 30' Gravel vac/siphon cleaner
• XL Soft net, various cleaning tools, Coralife Deep Six Hydrometer, Battery operated auto feeder
Half full bottles of Seachem Reef Advantage Calcium
Seachem Reef Builder
Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Proper ph 8.2
Ammo-Lock 2
Aqua Plus tap water conditioner
Full bottles of Kordon Sea Clear Saltwater Clarifier
Stress Zyme
Stress Coat
Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Test Kit and calcium test kit
Seaweed Selects Green Marine Algae and Red Marine Algae
Frozen Formula Two algae
Refrigerated Zooplankton and Marine Snow
Formula One Marine Pellets and color flakes.
FISH: :happyfish
Lawnmower blennie
pair of Percula Clownfish
small Yellow Tang
Six Line Wrasse
Tuxedo Urchin
Appx. 20 various snails (Nassarius, Cerith, Turbo/Astrea, Mexican Turbo)
Appx. 10 hermit crabs (blueleg and scarlet)
Xenia or Clove Polyp
Green Star Polyps
Small Leather (2 mushrooms?)
Yellow gorgo in poor condition
We started this tank May 03 and it's ran fine (with minor green algae and red algae outbreaks now and then). We prefer that you pick this up, but we have a truck and could deliver if need be (within area). We'd like to sell this all together and we're looking for $600. Thanks!


From the lack of responses, it appears I'm asking too much. Any suggestions what this should go for? Would I be better off to sell everything separately?
Here's what I paid:
$100 • 55 gallon tank on oak stand (with 2 doors)
$75 • oak canopy with lift-up top
$225 • 48" JBJ Formosa 260 watt Retrofit Power Compact lights
$68 • 3 PowerSweep 228 Powerheads and Ebo 200 watt heater
$60+ • 3+" live sand bed
$280+ • about 70 lbs of live rock, with green algae outbreak
$30 • 6' AND 30' Gravel vac/siphon cleaner
Plus all the various tools, the half used and un-used chemicals and food, appx $150 of fish and inverts, and around $75 in corals.
Also, I have a 100 gallon acrylic tank that I want to sell but have no idea what to sell it for. It has a blue back, measures 16" x 18" x 72". and has 2 large rectangular and 2 circular cutouts on the top.
Thanks everyone!


New Member
Hello there Aliciak. If you haven't tried already, you might get a better response advertising this on one of the Michigan local boards, like michiganreefers.com. Good luck!


If you are willing to piece things out separately, I would be interested in the lights! However, could you let me know how old the bulbs are and about what price you are asking (just fyi, I'm a broke med student so unfortunately I would not be able to match what you paid for it). Also, i live in Chicago so I could pick up.


4 of 4
Sorry I don't have just 1 photo of the whole tank. I took too high res of photos on the camera and then put the tank back in the garage. SWF can only accept 500x500 res photos, which wouldn't be a problem if I had photoshop on this computer, but I don't and I'm only working with iPhoto which will only let me crop the heck out of the image to reduce res rather than just reducing res. Aargh.


I just wanted to clarify that the "100 acrylic" is actually 125 gallon. It is a Clarity Plus 72" x 18" x 20". As you can see from the photo, there are lots of holes drilled into the top. There are also two very small holes drilled into the center (maybe the size of a pencil eraser). I'm asking $350. Just found out that we're moving to Phoenix at the beginning of August, so we need to get these tanks outta here. Thanks!


but not this washed out looking either. If you are wondering what the pink thing is between the tank and stand it's foam insulation (it helped with our slightly uneven floor).


here is clove xenia, green polyp and leather (part of leather is a bit mad because I disturbed him).