55 gal. needs to go!



slednecks you have no proof that there is anything wrong with it he might just be trying to get it for free


thats kind of true b/c it was brand new and never opened..;.


Sorry it has taken me so long to respond. My computer crashed big time and now I have no internet. I am at a family members.
Ok For one, I am not going to try and CHEAT him out of a lifeguard temp.
Second Chev32 you need to mind your own busniess!!
Third I don't have a problem sending it back to you but I am not pay shiping to send the broken one to you or to have you send the new one to me.
I paid for a working lifeguard thermometer. Why should I have to pay more since he sent me a broken one?? That doesn't make sense. It was his fault in the first place.
Sorry if I am angry but My 300 is set up now with all the rock work is in. I wanted to have it before so I could hide the probe, now I will have to rework the rock work to hide the probe.
I am still waiting for a new/your thermometer?
You have my address I think if not
Vince Newll
9780 Foxway CT
Dexter MI, 48130


And YES slednecks the thermometer was opened. It was stapled back together.
I saw the brand new ones at the store and they are not stapled at all. Not saying you opened it but some one did before I got it and now it is missing the LCD screen!


hmmm i do believe this is why i only deal with companies or lfs.....perhaps its a lesson learned to you Vince...the few bucks you may save isn't worth the hassle

jimmy g

Shoogieboo...(or somethin) I can tell you my friend (slednecks) Is'nt out to rip people off. Vince either is lieing or Fedex or whoever sent it broke it.


hey calm down its cool i don't know any of you. was just stating that if he was unsure about anything he should just stick with local or companies. its a risk. matter of fact i'm about to take the same risk buying 100 lbs of live rock from someone i know nothing about :notsure:


Jimmy G I am not lying. I am also want what was promised to me. the Post office might have taken it but I dought it?
The entire LCD screen including the wires is gone.


Slednecks, I am still waiting for that thermometer.
I want it soon before I add corals to the tank.
Respond once you have mailed it to me.


Slednecks it has been a week now and still no thermometer??
I have been patiently waiting for this and it seems that you are not going to come threw. My dad is a state cop so I know I am in the right here.
I am waiting.


hey man, Im so sorry it isnt there yett...I've kinda had a lot to think about this week..A few family problems...:nope: There is no need to get your dad i have sent the Thermometer with some extra's to show there is no hard feelings...
Sorry for the inconveniance Vince.....


I wanted to tell u the "extra" I sent for you...its a DVD of the 2005 line of Yami's. I had watched it a few times and thought I would pass it on to a fellow snowmobilier....:yes:


NICE I will be waiting for it in anticipation!!
I was checking the new polaris's yesterday, They have the most comfortable seat ever and I love how the pwoer is on tap, none of that wait for it to take off crap you get on articat's HAHAHA Just playin. But seriously when you punch the new polaris's you take off. the 900 will pull a wheely and won't go downtill you let off.
Just wondering do you play paintball by chance??


I used to paintball...Not to much anymore. Those fusion 900's are awsome! Have to tryed one out yett...I cant belive how much power they have! I can remember my first snowmobile( that I thought was fast)..A Arcticcat JAG! lol...B4 that I had a really old kitty cat. What sleds have you crashed and gone throw over the years> Ive gone threw 3 on my fourth now. Well I hope enjoy the vid. And again sorry about the weight!:D


OK everything came today, and YES the LCD screen is in there.
I whatched that movie and those sleds are nice. Wish I could drop 8 grand and buy one but just don't have the funds right now Dang LOL
I am having trouble turning the Therm on. I turn it on and the buttons work but the lcd does not show anything. i have turned it on with the probe in the water and the probe out of water.
How do I get it to trun on??