55 gal reef for xmas

i am just ver happy to be posting this:jumping: . as some of you might know i was be the process of rebuilding my old 30 gallon but i wake up xmas morning to a repict in my stocking for a pro set up saltwater fish tank with 50 pounds of reef rock. (i know reef rock is no good). but it is the thought that counts.:D so any way the date for the set up was 12/27/03 so the guy comes sets it up and and brings a 4,000 dollar diotom filter to really clear up the water i mena the hole tank is clean in like 30 min and the subtrat was cc so i mean that is realy messy. so any way i am just real happy i did not have to do this. what a gift :D .
*p.s* i will post pics tommorow


Very cool!! My wife gave me an Air Hog for xmas. LOL. (Pump up helicopter) Maybe net year it'll be a tank.


Active Member
It'll cycle with or without dead rock.
The only thing required for an initial cycle is an ammonia source. Fish will provide that - not that I recommend that method.
sorry guys did not have to much of a choice about the fish. :nope: i was not home when the set up took place i was out of town. so the guy that put it all together did eery thing.it will not be to hard no the fish as a pre cycled tank water was added in during set up so the fish will not be harmed as much as they would be in a new set up tank. once again i am sorry if i afened anyone if the guy used fish.:nope:


Active Member
Don't sweat it, as it was unintentional. I made the same mistake my first go round, not knowing any better. Live and learn.
Are you planning on keeping the damsels? They can be a pain to catch if you don't want them long term and the more rock the worse it gets.


Active Member
Originally posted by king of ninx
.it will not be to hard on the fish as pre cycled tank water was added in during set up so the fish will not be harmed as much as they would be in a new set up tank.
Not your fault and two small fish will produce such a small and slow cycle that ammonia buildup will be minimal anyways. It will take alot longer than the shrimp method but at least your tank will have some movement. My question is what does pre cycled tank water have to do with your tank cycling?:notsure:

nm reef

Active Member
Best of luck with your new 55...the wife got me a 55 gal display with stand for a gift 3 years ago...one of the best gifts I've ever had!
Be sure to read all you can about this hobby and research each future addition carefully....keep us posted as your new system progresses...

By the way...my wife is still amazed at how her innocent gift has evolved over the past three years...and it continues to evolve. Sort of like the gift that continues to give!!!:thinking: