55 gallon community tank

just curious on what some of your ideas were to build a community tank fish only. we want to have bright colors while not sacrificing losing some of them because they are too agressive. we also dont want to overload the tank too quick. our tank likes a bit to finish its cycle then were gonna do our first water change and cleaning and would like to be able to add all of our fish at once if possible, if this is not possible or not preferable, let us know. thanks for your help


Active Member
I've got a 75g reef, and lately I've been thinking about where I want to go with it. I put together a list of fish, corals, and inverts that I'd like to shoot for. Take a look at that list (it's on my site). Everything on there is worthy of a community tank, except for perhaps the anemone.


Please do not add all your fish at once...big mistake..especially with only 55 gallons.
Good luck