55 Gallon Creatures


What does everyone have in there 55 gallon tank? I am having a tuff time deciding what to put into mine.
70 lbs of LR
1- 3 stripe damsel
1- Blue damsel
1- false percula clownfish
1- pencil urchin
1- feather duster
and a cleanup crew


I have 3 damsels, 2 Perc Clowns, 1-Hippo Tang, Fire shrimp, lawnmower blenny, 3- emerald crabs, and about 50lbs LR


How long have you had your hippo tang? I want one really bad but I have heard not to put one in a 55 gal... I think I am might try my luck with it!


I have the following:
80lb live rock
40lb live sand
2 - 3 Strip damsel
2 - Blue Velvet damsel
2 - Yellow tail damsel
1 - Ocellaric Clown
1 - Maroon/ gold strip clown
1 - Yellow tang
1- Green Mandarin
10 - Turbo snails
1 - Scarlet crab
1 - Brittle star
1 - Orange star
2 - Cleaner clams
6 - Feather dusters including one green
2 - cleaner shrimp
I also have 5 Shave brush and 10 blue leg crabs on there way and I am getting ready to start adding coral
If you are wandering why so many damsel, I start with them to help cycle my tank and expected to loose some during the cycling process but those things are pretty hardy and I did not loose any during the cycling process so I guess I am stuck with them now.


New Member
I hate hate hate damsel fish they end up getting too big and then they kill your expensive fish..I had a pair of domino damsels..they got really big..they ended up killing my blue angel, my flame angel, a pair of jaw fish, and then they staved my pacific blue tang to death


Active Member
I have the following in my 55 gal + 30fuge...
Coralife PC
No Filter
custom Protein Skimmer
1/2 HP Chiller
tons of Razor Calurpa
100+ LR
60+ LS (its alive now wasnt three years ago)
6 Kenya Trees
2 dozen Zoos
Leather Coral
3 x Pulsing xenia
3 x types of mushroom colonies
Candy Cane colony
Horn Sponge
Colt Coral
CBS (3 yrs)
3 x Bristle Stars (3yrs)
1 x Serpent Star (3 yrs)
1 x Chocolate Chip (fuge) (3yrs)
1 Pencil Urchin (fuge) (3yrs)
1 convict Damsel (fuge) (3 yrs)
1 Blenny (fuge) (6 months)
1 Pocupine Puffer (6 months)
2 x evil yellow tail damsels (3yrs.) (6months)
1 x Yellow head Jaw fish (1 month)
1 x pearl bubble coral (2 days)
1 x RBTA (HH) (3 months)
Im sure Im missing something... Oh well
I have tons of rock in my tank all the way up to the water line. I like the look of the rock wall.


The only damsal that is growing in my tank is the Blue Velvet the other two types have not grown at all in the last 6 months.


Active Member
Down with damsels... I tried to "get rid of one" took it on a 2 hour ride in the bed of my pickup in another 55 gallon tank. "unfortunately" it didnt survive the trip. Anyone in NE Ohio want my other damsels you are more than welcome to come over and catch them. It would just be easier to feed them to my cats...LOL


Any of you have pictures? The tanks sound incredible! Hopefully I am on the right start and will get there. I have only had my tank for about 2 months. I have also been wanting to have a fuge but I am not real sure how to start it up.


I wish I could get rid of my damsels too! They are so hard to catch with all the rock work. Anybody have any tips on an easy way to net a fish without having to pull all the rocks out. When they see the net coming they run and hide.


Do it at night then the lights are out. I have moon lights on my tank so it will be ease to catch them if I need to. So far they are not causing any problems in my tank with the exception of One Blue Velvet chasing the other blue velvet.


Active Member
my tank is only 2 months old so i dont have a lot of stuff yet but i have
1 clown fish
2 yellowtail damsels
1 pinchussion urchin
7 turbo snails
2 hermit crabs
10 lbs of rock
40 lbs of live sand


Here's my role call for my 55:
1 false Clown
1 Black & White Heniochus
2 Lawnmower blennies
1 Yellow Watchman Goby
1 cleaner shrimp
90 lbs LR
25 lbs sand - 5 of which is LS.
I had a strawberry pseudo, 2 camel back shrimp, and two peppermint shrimp, but i didn't realize pseudo's ate shrimp. I'm now out $25 in shrimp. Lucky for me, my LFS took the pseudo back. I'm going to get a flame angel, and some corals, anemones, and whatnot as well.


Hi, i have 55 gal.
2 false clowns
1 firefish
2 blue green cromis
royal gramma
bi-color blenny
eng gobie
lots of corals
cleaner shrimp


Active Member
My 55gal:
1 false percula
1 royal gramma
3 turbo snails
3 hermits
around 60lbs of LR
60lbs of LS
some button polips
Its only about a month old.
Heres a couple older pics. I've moved the rock around since then but havent took any new pics.



Active Member
My 50g lineup:
-75lbs. LR
-80 lbs. LS
-Flame Angel
-Bicolor Blenny
-Yellow Watchman Goby
-Black Brittle Star
-5 Mexican Turbo snails
-20 Nassarius snail
-20 Astrea Snails
-Fighting Conch
-3 Littleneck clams
-10 Scarlet Legged Hermits
-Emerald crab
-Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
-Peppermint Shrimp
-5 Feather Dusters
-6 colonies of various zoos
-Colt Coral
-Neon Green Clove polyps
-3 colonies of various mushrooms