55 Gallon Custom Hood

roll tide

Originally Posted by bleedingth
It seems like I'm a little late.
Sorry Roll Tide! $100 + shipping sounded like a good deal. Congratulations Seaspy...
I guess it is still available. $100 plus shipping


Well, I had counted on shipping being about $15 bucks to Georgia. I can pay $115 with shipping if that sounds good to you (Budget tight since I first started my first salt tank... You know how it is
). My zipcode is 30102 if you want to check the price. My e-mail is tee.campos@gmail.com and I check it about twice a day (if not more). So if it takes a little to e-mail you back, hold tight because I will definitely get back to you by the end of that day!


New Member
Ill give you $70 shiped right now just for the Electronics,Bulbs,caps ect everything but the wood hood aslong as the bulbs them self are smaller then 30"...LMK asap if this is cool with you send me a paypal invoice to talclipse@gmail.com..
Also my zip is 37620