55 gallon fish list


Hello i have a 55 gallon tank i have about 50 lbs of base rock, and will be getting live rock soon to start the cycle. so i want to decide on a fish list now. this is the fish i have now on the fish list and need more suggestions. also my tank is starting fowlr and moving to reef so reef safe fish and crew only please.
Perc Clownfish X 2
Flame AngelFish X 1
Golden Headed Sleeper Goby X 1
what else should i get?
Cleaning Crew
10 Nassarius Snail
10 Hermit Crabs
1 Cleaning Shrimp
1 Fire Shrimp
5 Turbo Snails
1 starfish of some sort
other shimps too
what else should i add to the fish list and is my cleaning crew look good.
thanks a lot guys.


On the starfish deal I would really read on what kind you are getting.. Majority of the starfish are Aggressive and can eat small fish!
Also just remember that with the Dwarf Angels like the flame angel you can only get one per tank.. So be sure thats the one you want! The coral beauty Angel is great.. Alittle bit more nice I think. The Rusty Angels are beautiful too! With the gobies too look into the red firefish.. They have tons of personality! Percula clowns are great!! Something else you can look into getting is.....
Blue hippo tang (small)
a wrasse
Just make sure that your docile, non-aggressive fish arent mixed with any bullies! Good luck!


Active Member
I like anything from the psuedochromis/dottyback family. I also like green reef chromis. I like a lot of different damsels, but most people don't seem to want any in their tank...shame. One fish I've always wanted was a marine betta, and I may yet get one someday if I move up to a much larger tank (currently have a 29). One bit of advice about the flame angel, and really all dwarf angels. They can be a bit on the delicate side, so I'd wait a while and let your tank really get established before trying one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by walmart
pretty sweet. wont the tan outgrow a 55.
I didn't recommend the hippo, but yes, tangs need more space.


Originally Posted by nemette
On the starfish deal I would really read on what kind you are getting.. Majority of the starfish are Aggressive and can eat small fish!
Also just remember that with the Dwarf Angels like the flame angel you can only get one per tank.. So be sure thats the one you want! The coral beauty Angel is great.. Alittle bit more nice I think. The Rusty Angels are beautiful too! With the gobies too look into the red firefish.. They have tons of personality! Percula clowns are great!! Something else you can look into getting is.....
Blue hippo tang (small)
a wrasse
Just make sure that your docile, non-aggressive fish arent mixed with any bullies! Good luck!
nemm did o well


ive also been reading different things on what temperature i should keep in this tank what do you guys think? i was told 82-84 degrees.


Didnt catch what you were trying to say there! But the small hippo would be fine for a 55 gallon... Just make sure that you are doing an inch per gallon! 78 degrees is the perfect temp... Dont want to cook them!
Clean up crew...
Tub. Snails like 5-10 (I like the cute bubble bees too)
blue legged hermits 3 or so
some peppermint shrimp
you will get bristle and flat worms from your live rock
you can get emerald crabs
I have 5 little 3/4 inch starfish.. Dont know the name but they are cute and a cleaner!
neon gobys clean parasites (keep that in mind)
I have also heard that the hippo tang will outgrow the tank size. I have a 55 and wanted one but was convinced otherwise. And I hear they can get ick and need a lot of swimming room. I was gonna try it anyway, but decided to get two blue chromis which are hardier, smaller, and serve the same purpose. (I wanted blue fish).
I have a firefish, he is colorful, hardy, doesn't take up a lot of room or bully anyone. He sleeps in the cave with the yellow watchman. The clowns are friendly and active. Kleins butterfly is the largest and works well with fish only tank. Do your research, don't buy something everytime you go to LFS like I did.


Its been tested that anything over 86*=30c, all growth stops in saltwater. I keep mine at 80*. I just added a Blue Gudgeon Goby, and hes awesome.


ok here is my updated fish list.
Fish List
2 Ocellaris Clown
1 Flame Angelfish
1 Golden Headed Sleeper Goby
1 Red Spotted Sandperch
2 Firefish Goby
1 Jawfish
1 mandarin (In the future)
Cleaning Crew
10 Nassarius Snail
5 Hermit Crabs
1 Cleaning Shrimp
1 Fire Shrimp
5 Turbo Snails
1 Cleaner Clam for fuge
Other Clams when I get lighting upgrade
to much? or have more room? and fish can be kept together or will eat the other? thanks guys


Well-Known Member
Make the mandarin far in the future. They generally only eat pods that are growing in a mature tank. A 55 is marginally large enough to support sufficient production of pods to keep the fish alive, so you may have to buy additional pods from, for example, swf.com .