55 gallon fish list


ya im not sure quite yet but one of my sw buddies keeps a man. so he could give me some tips. but does the list look ok?


Active Member
if you are going reef, I would drop the flame. Mine seems to have aqauired a taste for some corals, especially xenia and picks at my open brain really bad. I would get a coral beauty or a lemonpeel instead...just my .02. If you can catch my flame angel you can have him...Anthias are very pretty, and I llike the fairy wrasses if you have tops on it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by walmart
ok here is my updated fish list.
Fish List
2 Ocellaris Clown
1 Flame Angelfish
1 Golden Headed Sleeper Goby
1 Red Spotted Sandperch
2 Firefish Goby
1 Jawfish
1 mandarin (In the future)
Cleaning Crew
10 Nassarius Snail
5 Hermit Crabs
1 Cleaning Shrimp
1 Fire Shrimp
5 Turbo Snails
1 Cleaner Clam for fuge
Other Clams when I get lighting upgrade
to much? or have more room? and fish can be kept together or will eat the other? thanks guys
I don't know if all those gobies are going to work together. In nature, all these fish compete with each other for resources. When they're on a great big reef, the competition isn't too intense. But when you put them in a small tank with obviously limited resources, even docile fish can get territorial and tempermental, especially towards fish they feel they're in direct competition with, say for hiding spaces, food, swimming room, etc.