55 gallon fish only tank


I can't believe what I just read... Isn't the whole point of having a fish tank is to keep fish as your pets??? Mixing all these fish together is like throwing your pet cat in with a bunch of rabid dogs...the chances of the cat surviving is pretty slim. If you can't treat your fish like you would another pet, you shouldn't even have a fish tank at all! its rather disgusting!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by xandrew245x http:///t/387987/55-gallon-fish-only-tank/20#post_3454954
I can't believe what I just read... Isn't the whole point of having a fish tank is to keep fish as your pets??? Mixing all these fish together is like throwing your pet cat in with a bunch of rabid dogs...the chances of the cat surviving is pretty slim. If you can't treat your fish like you would another pet, you shouldn't even have a fish tank at all! its rather disgusting!
Don't get your undies in a bundle....There will always be the Wayners in the world...they eventually learn from their mistakes, so for some they just have to try it their way first.


Sorry, it just bothers me, I love my pets, and I will treat my fish with the same respect as I would treat my cat, dog, or even my ferret!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by xandrew245x http:///t/387987/55-gallon-fish-only-tank/20#post_3454963
Sorry, it just bothers me, I love my pets, and I will treat my fish with the same respect as I would treat my cat, dog, or even my ferret!
Yes I understand, and we all get frustrated, but getting upset and lowering the hammer creates fights, and folks saying hurtful things, and then the new fellow moves on and never gets to learn. Sometimes...LOL..to save your sanity block the person so you won't see their posts. My granddaughter told me once when she was three years old.."Don't look Nana, it will just upset you" Out of the mouth of babes comes wisdom.


New Member
Yes My tank is still running strong I upgraded to a canister filter got a power head and added a few pieces of live rock I do water changes atleast once a month my water stays clear and perfect and I also have some different fish my heniochus died because he broke his top fin but i still have the blue tang and the domino damsel as well as a bigger clown fish i have added a yellow tang a naso tang a yellow faced goby and a singapore angel all are doing very well and have lots of room if they out grow my tank I will trade them in at the fish store


Active Member
Originally Posted by jrandolph1686 http:///t/387987/55-gallon-fish-only-tank#post_3422146
No, I actually do a good bit of research and go from there. The engineer goby was in the tank first my room mate bought him just for fun it wasn't even expensive he got it at ***** for like $11 and when we got the eel the guy at the fish store said he may or may not cause problems with the engineer goby. So I knew that before I ever got the eel but we decided we wanted it worse than the goby and if anything happened it was ok. That has been a week ago and both are living happily in the tank without any issue. My wife is going to get a very small nano type tank for her desk at work and put the engineer goby there because she is really the only one out of the 3 of us that really likes him. And before all yall start going "he will get to big because he is little tiny like 2" long, or this won't work or that won't work"..remember its an $11 fish! and I dont wanna waste bio-load and tank space on an $11little black fish that doesn't do much when there are much better looking and more active fish that I want. And considering I don' have a huge tank I have to make those kinds of decsions. For example today I gave away the fire fish because I got a picasso trigger and a regal blue tang, and next it will probably be getting rid of the domino damsel so I can get the flame angel or yellow tang or something else I like better. I'm maintaining balance and trying to slowly upgrade some of my fish and get the tank where I want it. Remember I just started the tank not to long ago and I'm steadily working on it to get where I want it and stocked the way I want it. In my opinion it's coming together quiet well. I haven't really had any problems at all with 1 exception my heniochus had a very very small short lived flair up of ick but I saw it and treated it fast enough that it was gone in less than a day. I freaked out when I first saw it but I caught it fast enough and got rid of it and now the heniochus is doing even better than before. I know I may not do everything exatly the way everybody on here thinks is should be done, but nobody does. I am however very careful to make sure everything goes good because I have put alot of work and time into this as we all have and I enjoy it so much just like all of you. I'm not going to get a wild hair and just go crazy. I don't have the nerves for it or the cash
, why do you think I'm having to slowly upgrade my fish as I go? I don't mean to come off rude so please don't take it that way but it seems to me that everybody on here had rather tell you everything that your doing what they consider to be wrong because they want to feel like the fish master. Instead of telling somebody they are wrong for doing things a little different than you, why not ask them how they made it work? I understand there a few things that HAVE to be done certain ways but not everything has to be YOUR way. And remember fish have personality just like we do so and we are all different so just because you had 1 fish that did or didn't cause problems doesn't mean that every other fish of the same species is gonna be a problem or be a good addition to your tank. Bottom line it's MY tank and your tank is YOUR tank and we can all make it work and learn things.
All I have to say is what you are doing is contradicting what you are saying. I highlighted it. If you keep stocking the way you are, you will be spending more time and money on your tank.


Well-Known Member
Once again, my granddaughters wise words prevail...Don't look, it will just upset you. I think for the sake of my sanity I'm going to have to hit the ignor button on this one for a while. Any day I expect the dreaded...Why are all my fish dying? thread.


well, I hope for your fishes' sake you upgrade soon before they all start dying of the 'mysterious' disease people who overstock their tanks seem to always get.