55 Gallon Future Reef

extinct 1ne

Note: Tank Will Eventually Be Upgraded To A 75-100 Gallon Aquarium.

Ocellaris Clownfish [1]
Black & White Ocellaris Clownfish [1]
Red Firefish [1]
Purple Firefish [1]
Green Mandarin Dragonet [1]
Blue Tang [1]
Powder Brown Tang [1]

Snails & Hermit Crabs (How Many Do You Recommend For A 55 Gallon Reef?) [?]
Long Tentacle Anemone [1]
Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp [1]
Red Marble Sea Star [1]

Zombie Eye Zoanthids [1]
Yellow Polyps [1]
Green Florida Ricordea [1]
Purple Bullseye Mushroom [1]
Pumping Xenia [1]

60+ Lbs. Live Rock
60 Lbs. Live Sand

Comments? Would anything be wrong with this? Is it overstocked / understocked / perfect?
I think that might be a little small to house two tangs.I could be wrong,but with not that much space you might have some problems with the bio load,and possible aggression issues.I would get a really colored drwaf angel or something.



Originally Posted by Extinct 1ne
Tank Will Eventually Be Upgraded To A 75-100 Gallon Aquarium. not big enough

Ocellaris Clownfish [1]
Black & White Ocellaris Clownfish [1]
Red Firefish [1]
Purple Firefish [1]
Green Mandarin Dragonet [1] wouldnt do unless you have atleast +100#s LR
Blue Tang [1]wait for the upgrade
Powder Brown Tang [1] wait for the upgradeINVERTEBRATES

Snails & Hermit Crabs (How Many Do You Recommend For A 55 Gallon Reef?) [?]skip the hermits they will eat the snails, i would say 20-30 depending on size
Long Tentacle Anemone [1]if lighting is strong enough
Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp [1]
Red Marble Sea Star [1]

Zombie Eye Zoanthids [1]
Yellow Polyps [1]
Green Florida Ricordea [1]
Purple Bullseye Mushroom [1]
Pumping Xenia [1]

60+ Lbs. Live Rock-needs alot more imo i have about 753s worth in my tank and its not enough
60 Lbs. Live Sand might be a little much i think i have in the 30ish range

Comments? Would anything be wrong with this? Is it overstocked / understocked / perfect?
i dont see anything about the lightst,filter, protein skimmer. that you plan on using. that would help out alot more. i would take some time and do some research on all the fish that you would like. from what it sounds like you want you would need atleast a 125g tank and thats at a minimum. the tangs need 6ft of swimming room if not more. and that mandrain needs a very well established tank before it should even be considered. they eat +200 pods per day, so the pod population needs to be huge.as far as the corals go as long as your lighting permits then i dont really see any problems. i would probly go with like 2x250Mh w/ antics. and thats only because of the anemone. sounds like an awsome tank once its finished but i think some more reasearch/larger tank is needed to complete this tank.
sorry if i burst your buble on some of that stuff but i dont want you to kill expensive fish due to lack space/food.
Good luck

extinct 1ne

you didn't burst my bubble, I don't want to buy the fish if they are just going to die or attack eachother. Do you think it would be okay if I did hermits insted of snails? Do snails clean better than hermits?

extinct 1ne

Could this possibly work?
Ocellaris Clownfish
Black & White Ocellaris Clownfish
Red Firefish
Purple Firefish
Yellow Belly Blue Tang
Assorted Snails or Hermit Crabs
Red Marble Sea Star
Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp
Long Tentacle Anemone
Zombie Eye Zoanthids
Yellow Polyps
Green Florida Ricordea
Purple Bullseye Mushroom
Pumping Xenia
60+ Lbs. Live Rock
60 Lbs. Live Sand


I only keep Mexican Red-Legged Hermits (not Scarlets), which don't bother any of my snails (turbo/cerith/nerite).


your stock list looks alot better now. as far as that tang goes the "tang police" will tell you not to do it but, if you get him small i think he would be fine for a while. i have had a hippo in my 55g for over a year and he started at like 1/2" and he isnt any more then 1.5"s now so the smaller the better.
i also dont know how that B&W clown will mix with the Ocellaris. ive never tryed it but i know that there are some clowns that cannot be mixed. i have always wanted to mix them but never had the guts to try.
IMO the snails are much better then the Hermits, just because hermits dont really clean the glass and other items. if you want something to clean up the bottem i would look into a Watchmen Goby. they are pretty cool. a nice bright yellow(looks like the mandrian but , all yellow. very cool fish to watch)
i do have soem hermits in my tank but they are way to big to get any of my snails now. and if they do get them i really cannot do anything cuz they cannot steel the shell no more
what kind of filtration are you gonna be running?
sump/fuge HOB etc...
have you tought about lights. that anemone is gonna need alot of light. MH's would be best but i think you can get the Nova Pro extream for less then $400.00. and i think it should do just fine. you might need to change out the bulbs within the first 6 months with soem better ones but it sould do you just fine.
hope this helps out


Active Member
They are the same species (the clowns), but mixing them would still be risky. Imo it's bad taste too, not to be rude. I would go with one or the other and avoid risk.


Originally Posted by camfish
They are the same species (the clowns), but mixing them would still be risky. Imo it's bad taste too, not to be rude. I would go with one or the other and avoid risk.
i always thought the same thing. i never really wanted to try it and find out that one of my clowns dead, cuz i didnt really look into it. i just wanted a bunch of different color clowns. if it were me i would do the B&W's i bought the regular ones and then regreted it after i saw a beautiful pair at my LFS.

extinct 1ne

Well, I already have a normal Ocellaris Clownfish...what if I take out the B&W and put in a Yellow Watchman Goby and a Pistol Shrimp (I heard if you mix them it's really cool, kinda like a Clownfish and an Anemone, is it true?)
id hold off on the tang until you get the larger tank, it would only benefit the fish, and if you really plan to upgrade im sure the wait wont be too bothersome to hold off on a tang until you upgrade


Originally Posted by Extinct 1ne
Well, I already have a normal Ocellaris Clownfish...what if I take out the B&W and put in a Yellow Watchman Goby and a Pistol Shrimp (I heard if you mix them it's really cool, kinda like a Clownfish and an Anemone, is it true?)
IMO i would just add another clown and also add the watchmen goby. as far as them pairing up i think that its another type of goby that does that. not 100% sure hopfully someone else knows that answer

extinct 1ne

[1] 55 Gallon All-Glass Aquarium
[1] Black Metal Stand
[1] Coralife 50/50 Fluorescent 50% Natural Daylight 6000K 50% Actinic 03 Blue (Will Eventually Get Something Better)
[1] Amiracle Maxi Reef 100 Filter
[1] Rio 1700 Pump & Powerhead
[1] Regent Powerhead
[1] 200 Watt Heater
[1] Temperature Stick-On
[1] Coralife Deep Six Hydrometer
[1] Test Strips (Will Eventually Get Something Better)
[1] Ocellaris Clownfish
[1] Flame Angelfish
[1] Purple Firefish
[1] Hippo Tang
[1] Green Mandarin Dragonet (Last Thing To Go Into The Aquarium)
[1] Three-Stripe Damsel
[1] Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp
[1] Red Tile Starfish
[1] Long Tentacle Anemone
[3] Red Leg Reef Hermit Crab
[3] Blue Leg Reef Hermit Crab
[3] Green Leg Reef Hermit Crab
[1] Zombie Eye Zoanthid
[1] Pumping Xenia
[1] Green Florida Ricordea
[1] Green Hairy Mushroom
[1] Devil’s Hand Leather
[60] Lbs. Live Rock
[60] Lbs. Live Sand