55 gallon lighting question?

b mccoy

New Member
I just got a 55 gallon tank, anf I am about to start setting it up. I have a question on th elighting requirments for keeping things such as lps and softies in this. I want to move everything from my ten gallon, and I realize that I will need more light. I can't go Metal Halide due to the expense. Anybody have any ideas?

payton 350

yes and no....t5s at 216watts are great for a 55 ...vho's not sure... but still may be ok..but for the price which will be about the same go for t5s....if you want clams i am not sure if the t5s will be ok ,,,haven't seen any posts with people being successful or unsuccessful with them yet only with mhs......t5s give you more bang for the buck ....and are cheaper to run than vho's...so go with t5s or mhs but since you are cash strapped go with the t5s


Well I had a 4x65 PC and I had a Gigas clam and it was doing fine until I had to get rid of everything. I imagine that the 200 of the T-5s would be fine for atleast the lower lighting clams.