55 gallon reef F/S SO CAL


fluval 304
20 gal fuge/sump
24" pc lights
70 lbs live rock
60 lbs of live sand
4 powerheads
so many fish can't put on...
matching stand and canopy.
heaters testers
bunch of maintence stuff
2 polyps
1 shroom
2 bubble tips
1 sponge
2 peppermint shrimp
5 snails
10 hermits
600 or make and offer
ask for pics ill send


Please let me know if you part out. I will take a lot of your stuff. I want and need a lot. Radiolotek at tmail dot com.
Thank you.


im not really looking to part out at this moment but if nothing comes through i would probably end up doing that. i have 4 power heads and i dont really know the kinds...ones a rio the others a maxijet, and the other two are 402 series but i dont know which brands.....radiolotak what are you looking at.... you can email me at fuzzy15wuzzy at sbcglobal dot net if you want to get a hold of me for anything
thanks for looking