55 gallon stock list ideas :)

ive never wanted a agressive tank.. but ive had reefs for three years i decided to change it up.
what would be a good stocklist for 55 gallon?
anywhere from maroon clown fish to the meanest things on earth lol


Active Member
I would go
Dwarf Lion
Dwarf Angel (Flame)
Maroon Clown
Valentini Puffer
Or you could do a single Undulate Trigger.


Active Member
if you're going to do clowns, if they'll fit, id do a pair of clowns in addition to other fish kjr listed, just my opinion lol


Active Member
if you can manage it, pair em up, everywhere ive read says they do better paired up, but, to be honest, i have no personal experience with this :p just a ton of research with it LOL bang guy is prolly the resident expert on clowns LOL


Active Member
If you're going to get a clown, make it a Cinnamon
They do just as well singularly, as paired. Their aggressive is on the same level as maroons, and usually they are available in a larger size then your traditional clownfish.
thanks :) i also love this saddle back clown they have at the pet store. they have a tank with gravle for somereason but he picks it up and moves it around. its so cute

bang guy

Originally Posted by mboswell1982
if you can manage it, pair em up, everywhere ive read says they do better paired up, but, to be honest, i have no personal experience with this :p just a ton of research with it LOL bang guy is prolly the resident expert on clowns LOL
My Knowledge of Clownfish is a mere fraction of what Rod knows....
The only fish I've really focussed on and researched thoroughly has been Banggai.


Active Member
dude, that lagoon is lookin sweet, do u have a stock list for it? and how many tanks are u runnin now? just the lagoon an the display still? or do u hav more lol


how bout 1 clown trigger? my buddy had a niger, undulated, clown, and one other species in a 90 FO. i love lions though one volitan w/frequent water changes may be ok for awhile. or a dwarf would definately fit the bill, if you can get it to take prepared foods they're picky.


Active Member
clown triggerfish get to be 1 ft 8 inches long, and are recommend for a 125 and up, and they are aggressive as well
Among the most colorful, the Clown Triggerfish is also one of the most aggressive commonly kept inhabitants of an aquarium. Care should be taken in selecting its tank mates, choosing other aggressive, large fish. The tank decor should also be chosen based on the propensity of the Clown Triggerfish to rearrange it.

small triggers

Active Member
not necesarily for its lifetime. Picasso's are slow growing, so you could keep one in there for about 2 years or maybe a little longer.