I have 2 55's. I am in NY, They both have stands and I can also add an overflow with a sump. I would be looking to get about 300 for all.
55 gallon tank
20 gallon long tank for a regugium- already has a hole drilled in the bottom to plump to the sump or hole can be covered
sump- acrylic box with pull out tray.
hood and flourescent lights
overflow box with hose.
55 gallon aga, reef ready
mega flow kit
oak stand
220 watts of vho
2x 65 corallife power compacts
protien skimmer
power heads
live rock
and base rock
if your interested email me your quote- mbaillin2@bellsouth.net
And if you would be able to pick up?
Originally Posted by vito525
I'm looking for a 55 gallon tank, near the Jacksonville Florida area. Respond if you have anything
I have one. tank-stand-light-hood-extra tubes-rocks and many small extras
Let me know if you are still interested :happyfish
This ad was in our local newspaper today, not much info but it's in your area, it's a Kingsland, GA phone number.
General Merchandise - (Top)
55-gallon fish tank with stand, $100 OBO. 729-6998. tfn
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Originally Posted by vito525
Yes I am interested email me at carlsonp@educationcentral.org with price.....
I posted pics and all of it on the forum
You can find it at https://www.saltwaterfish.com/vb/showthread.php?t=167901
Let me know of any interest Email me with AQUARIUM in the subject line at debbraey@yahoo.com :happyfish
Sorry it took so long to reply I have been setting up my fiance's tank in his office.
I go on vacation the 15th and return the 21st I can be reached any time before or after those dates. If we don't talk until I return have a great week!