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What does everyone have in their 55 gal tank?
I have about 75 lbs. of LR, 55 lbs. of LS, 2 HOB filters with bio floss and charcoal, 1 PH and stocked with:
1- yellow tang
1- Bi-color Angel
1- Bangaii Cardinal
2- Fire Fish Gobies
1- sea star
1 emerald crab
1- cleaner shrimp
1-peppermint shrimp
30 blue leg hermits
5 scarlet leg hermits
35 Astrea and other snails
I change 5 gallons each week
rinse out 1 set of filters and replace the other set
scrub inside of tank as necessary
top off with fresh water when needed
feed everyother day frozen brine, formula one flakes and a small slow sinking ball (pin head size)
turn on lights (what came with tank) at 0700 and off at 2000 hrs. each day (7 am- 8 pm)
sit infront of tank regularly(sp) to enjoy. When I add fish it's 1 at a time and then wait a cou[ple of weeks before I get another. I have my water checked once a week from 2 different sources. This is just what I do. THIS WILL NOT WORK FOR EVERYONE, but it does for me. I also add LR when I can alittle at a time from a local source.