55 Gallon Tank


New Member
Hey What's A Good Start Up List Of Hardy Livestock For A 55 Gallon Tank??? Definnatly Want Some Percula Clownfish!!! Tahnks For Your Help!!! :happyfish


New Member
ok if you want a reef tank start off with some pulsing xenia but if Its just fish get percula clowns, and deffinetly damsels are the most hardy fish I know :happyfish


I'm no expert, but I'd be careful about the damsels. Yes, they are very hardy and your LFS will probably try to sell some to you to "cycle" your tank. You don't need them to cycle, LR and some shrimp will do that for you, and they are pretty aggressive fish.
If you try to add anything later, they just attack and pick the bejebus out of it. I started my tank again 3.5 years ago (FOWLR) and cycled with damsels - those things grew to the size of half dollars and picked on anything that I tried to add to the tank. They were terrible to try to net. About 6 months ago I finally had it and had to take out all my LR to net the darn things. Took them back to the pet store and traded them for a clown, a psudochromis, and a tang. Added a mandarin about 3 months later and, recently, a millet butterfly. The tang is a bit aggressive and I'm borderline on my tank size for a tang.
Anyway, that's my $0.02 on the damsels.