55 gallon


New Member
i presently have a 29 gallon fowlr i'm using a penguin 350 filter which says it turns over 350 gph of water. i hope to get a 55 gallon going soon can i still use that filter or do i need more gph . also one side of the filter is filled with ceramic bio media the other side is the filter pad and carbon. any suggestions appreciated.


Active Member
You will need more filtration. Base line minium flow is around 10x (550gph). More flow and the use of a good skimmer will go a long way.
BTW, if you are considering a 55, I would seriously think about going up to a 75. The added 6" front to back is great to have when aquascaping. I had a 55 and it was just to narrow.....
Well, I just got my 55 up with saltwater. My penguin 330 cleared it up over night! My LFS told me my penguin 330, my CPR bak-par protein skimmer and a hydor kor 3s and I'd be fine. They said to run carbon in my baskets. I hope so!