55 in progress


Originally Posted by conch
Notice the Green rock just the left of center on the bottom of the tank?? that rock is about 1.5 months old and is starting to get the purple Coraline, as is the white rock just to the right ofhe Conch shell in the center. The Rock will go green for awhile it's fine, then the purple will start to grow over it. Some of this rock is even made by me GARF style.
conch.. thanks for the compliments and advice i wish i could get base rock for a 1.50. of the 5 lfs stores around here they sell the lr,base rock,dead coral
basically any type rock from 8-10 bucks a pound no deals around here im going to a store in louisville,ky hopefully next weekend to see what they havebut it's 1 1/2 hours away . have been reading on diy lr may give it a shot


thanks guys for the compliments and suggestions
advice is always welcome... wouldn't have know were to start if it wasn't for this site and its members.....thanks


Originally Posted by conch
Try and get you LFS to order you some base rock, or try and find some base rock online(base Rock is dry rock composed of Coral fossils ) MUUCCH cheaper, and it will become live rock in a few weeks in your tank ( i pay $1.50 for my rock and go from there) Better for environment as well. All you need is a smalll amount of live rock to seed your tank. about 3/4 of my tank is Dry base rock that I put in the tank (I use to live in the keys and could get great rock from constuction sites where they were digging holes :).
Just a thought I think more places should be selling this rock, to ease the pressure on Reefs in the South Pacific. The main disadvantage is that the rock is a lot more dense, but is also becomes a great source of calcium for the tank as well. Anyone else go this route?
great looking tank


The Base rock I am talking about is a DRY rock not live at all. Just Rock that you would pick up on the side of the road in the Florida Keys.