55 lights question


I need new lighting for a 55 reef tank. (will be limited corals with fish) I was looking at the custom sea life set up w/ moonlights. Its 4x65W. Does anyone have this setup or have thoughts on it. Also would it provide enough light for most of my reef needs other then maybe clams? Thanks


Active Member
Youd probably get more responses in the reef section on this subject. A freind of mine has this setup on his 55 reef, and his soft corals have done great, however he has not tried to keep any hard corals. The lighting setup does look good, especially with the moon lights.


I have it on my 55 and i love it.I have it set up on timers for dawn,daylight,dusk and the moon lights are 24hrs.Very good lighting system if you ask me.


I have that light and I love it too. Since upgrading my hammers and zoos have been more open and look great. It's not enough lighting for clams or other inverts that need very strong lighting but there are plenty of corals you can keep with that light. The moonlights are great too.