55 owners with DSBs


I was recently reading an article on a site. Reefkeeping 101. It was a link on this site from one of the sharks. In a part of it they say that DSBs take up a lot of room, which I know 4-6 inches. My question is do you think your 55 gallon was big enough for a DSB? Do you like the way it looks? Did you have enough room to do a good amount of LR? Thanks.


Active Member
Man that's a bad question... Because I'm sure to get flamed for my opinion. Personally, (everyone is entitled to their own opinions, right?) I don't like the way DSBs look in any tank no matter the size. But that's just me :) .


Thanks for the reply. I just spent a lot of money (for me) getting ready to redo my tank and I started to get a little worried. So I should be fine with a regular 55 gallon tank? By the way I hit your website up it looks real nice.
Thanks again-


Active Member
Well Kips tank is a bad example for my point... I don't know how you keep that tank so clean!!


I agree with you everyone has a right to their own opinion. I think the people on this site for the most part respect that, but sometimes people get really upset when people don't see things their way. Later.


Can you tell me the different types and how many of each snail you keep? Would you recommend a detrivore (SP) kit?


i've had sand in my 55 for about a month now. I really like it. It's brand new and hasn't had an algae bloom or cyano yet, so I might change my mind later, it's so pretty and clean! I still have plenty of room for corals and fish. Much better than crushed coral and bare bottom (ugh.) IMO, ofcourse.


I Just converted my 60 Gal from CC to DSB about 2 weeks ago. So far it looks awsome - of course it hasn't had a chance to get dirty yet - Hoping my critter combination will keep it that way -.
Anyway, as far as your question about the Height - I added 6 inches and I don't think it looks croweded at all. I'll have to measure again, but I think my tank is 29" tall.


Active Member
Just another vote that the DSB looks fine. In my reef I only have ~3 inches but in my invert tank I put 5 inches (wish I'd done the 5 in both)...they're both 50 gal tanks which is the same footprint as a 55 only one inch shorter--and it looks fine in there--so you'll have one inch more height than me--I'm sure it'll look just beautiful :D I can post a pic later today if you'd like.


Active Member
Yeah what Kip said, but I don't have any hermit crabs at all.....I had a 5 inch dsb in my 55 and 90 lbs of live rock and it looked nice.