55 Reef build - newbie


So i'm starting up my 55 gal and turning it into a reef. I'm a little scared that i'm going to mess everything up, because I built a sump/refuge myself out of a 10 gal tank. i bought an external overflow box, tubing, and what i think is a large pump. i have pics and what i really want to know is if my sump will work efficiently. i plan on putting some filter media in the "entrance" and having live rock and sand and such in the middle then the skimmer in the return area. after looking at alot of people's designs i'm really on the fence about my plan. i've already siliconed everything together and am going to do a systems check this evening. i welcome all comments, suggestions, and stories about past experiences. pics too!
keep in mind that i plan to use a different skimmer than the one shown.



Active Member
Looks good. You might want to put a second baffel after the one going into the last chamber. Can't wait to see if full.


yes. that is an air stone protien skimmer. it is really old and i dont plan on using it. i put it in there for the pics to demonstrate where the new one would go along with the return pump.
hey kid... why put another wall there? to make it less noisy? i'm improvising with this and would love all the help i can get to make it work the best it can.


Active Member
It will make the noise good down more and the mico bubble from the protein skimmer thin out. I would also put a filter pad inbetween them to thin out the big waste before it gets farther into the system.


Don't worry about messing up...just go slow with everything and the worst that can happen is you might get a wet floor a few times. Make sure that all your tubing seals are tight and just let the system run with just water for a bit to make sure there are no leaks at all.
I would try a filter sock in the first part of the sump. They need to be changed out every 3-4 days or so, but this form of mechanical filtration will keep your water crystal clear.


Originally Posted by Ryancw01
Don't worry about messing up...just go slow with everything and the worst that can happen is you might get a wet floor a few times. Make sure that all your tubing seals are tight and just let the system run with just water for a bit to make sure there are no leaks at all.
I would try a filter sock in the first part of the sump. They need to be changed out every 3-4 days or so, but this form of mechanical filtration will keep your water crystal clear.

Thanks for the advise! I did manage to get my tubes to stop leaking, but i had to drain the whole thing b/c my tank was leaking!
Oh well, i have a friend who knows how to fix it coming to do his best. wish me luck!


here's my next problem lol!

Yes she is inside the tank. Yes she did get in there by herself. And yes, she will try even when it has water in it! She likes to jump in the toilet! She's weird.


LOL....That is why I WILL NOT have a topless tank....I would die if i came home and my cat was in there


LOL! yeah, lucky for me the tank is empty right now. i'm deffinately filling up my spray bottle and setting it to jet in preporation!


Active Member
Originally Posted by impulse-ive
What do the baffles do?
Depending on what you have set up can change the purpuse. If you put a filter pad inbetween two of them it will filter out the big waste particals. If you have a refuge or anyother special thing it keeps it in its chamber while water can go through it. I didn't really it explain all that good but hope it makes a little sense.



ok so i filled up my tank fixed all the leaks and everything ran great. EXCEPT when i looked at the tank long-ways i noticed that the front had bowed out quite a bit. So I had to empty the whole thing AGAIN and am now in need of a new tank. My luck SUCKS! AARRRGGG!
Take a look for yourselves. remember i already emptied it.


What happened to the frame??? You can always make a new brace....IDK how...LOL..BUt if you do a search, a lot of people have done it


i dont know! i didn't know it was broken. i used to keep a large snake in this tank, she must have broke it. My boyfriend wants to try and fix it but that will be one of those things that sit on the porch waitng for attention.
Anyway, it set me back a few weeks that's for sure!


LOL...I have one of those...a 55g that my cat jumped on year after year...finally the center brace broke....It is sitting outside....husband says he will fix it...HAH...It was a fw tank...I just went and got another one...lol


Active Member
Get some plexy glass and glue two to three of them across the top to fix it not really hard. Just a hours worth of work and a day or two to dry. I got a 55 fresh I am trying to get rid of. All though I do live a ways away from you.


haha. thanks for the offer. i've been talked into trying to get a 75 now. i dont have much to spend until i pay rent but i've seen some good offers. i almost got a 75 and stand for $60! problem was that it is 5 ft long and only 16 inches tall! i told richard that we could keep a ray or something. but it wont fit in the space i have. oh well, back to craigslist!