55 softy tank stocklist


Hey guys, I was just thinking about what I am planning on keeping in my 55 softy tank and this is what I have so far...
2 percula clowns (have)
1 blue yellow-tailed damsel (have)
1 Copperband Butterfly
I know the CB are technically not reef safe but after researching them for a while and reading about other peoples experiences with them on the site I think i will give one a go. Most people say it just depends on its personality as an individual and I am willing to see if I get lucky!

Anyway, what else could I have? I am looking for color and movement. Possibly one other medium sized "show" fish to compliment the CB but nothing too active that will scare it (I read they like calmer tank mates so they can have a chance and feeding). I was thinking maybe a solar fairy wrasse or maybe a single male anthias far down the road.

Any suggestions???


if i were u i would get rid of that damsel cuz they r nothing but trouble.. see if ur lfs will take it. because down the road they become monsters... my use to bite me he got in to one of my corals and tore it all up..


I think the damsel will be fine. Ive had it for 5 years along with the clowns and they will all be newly transfered to the new tank. It ussually only bothers new memebers for the first day or two and then backs off, never been much of an issue.


I was asking about the solar fairy wrasse last week for my 55 and was told by a couple people that had them that they were great fish with great personality. My stock list was almost the same as yours with the two clowns and wanting to add a solar wrasse, hawkfish and one other fish to the tank over time. All the feedback I got on that fish was great and I myself think it is a beautiful fish....so my vote is yes get the wrasse

That is as long as someone with experience with the butterfly can assure you that it will get on with said wrasse.


Alright sounds like a plan!

Would the addition of the wrasse max out my tank? I am pretty content with that list but I just want to make sure where I have a little wigle room in my stocking.
I am running a fluval 305 (up to 70 gallons) a Coralife Skimmer 65 and I have about 55+ lbs of liverock. My turnover rate with my powerheads is over 20x I believe...
2x600gph koralia ph's + 260gph fluval + 650gph skimmer = 2110gph
/55 = 38x turnover


Any suggestions? What about corals? There are some really large colt corals (8'-9' stalks) at my LFS for 50 bucks and they are very pretty
Would one of these make a good first addition?