55 stock/equipment list

reef noob

how does this sound?
-55 aga tank
-Phosban reactor
-20 gallon sump/fuge
-AquaC EV-120
-9 watt turbo twist UV
-2400 gph closed loop with 6 outlets
-Toby Puffer
-midas blenny
-pair of GSMs
-longnose hawkfish
-randalli goby/randalli pistol shrimp

-25 turbo snails
-30 blue leg hermits
-10 nass. snails
-serpent star

-maybe a couple sps


I also have a 55 gallon tank. Let me comment on your fish and invert list:
-Toby Puffer (have one, great fish)
-midas blenny (good choice)
-pair of GSMs (can be kind of aggressive for clowns)
-longnose hawkfish (want one, not bad choice)
-randalli goby/randalli pistol shrimp (hawkfish might try and eat shrimp)
-bta (can be hard to keep)
-25 turbo snails (have about 10, they seem to do the job well)
-30 blue leg hermits (have about that many, maybe less)
-10 nass. snails (have about that many of varying sizes)
-serpent star (have one, not that big of a fan since I never see him and I don't know if he is doing okay or not)
You didn't include anything about lights as well. You'll need good lights for the BTA and corals.


I'm sure the Percula will be fine. I had some Oscellaris clowns but they did not survive the Great Ich Outbreak of 2007.
One word of caution on Tobies. Some people (not me) have had problem keeping them with certain inverts. My LFS lady swore that he would eat my hermits, snails, conch, and peppermint shrimp. I don't think he's eaten any of them and my inverts seem to be thriving. I don't know if he even ate any of the feeder shrimp I put in tank before.


My serpent star only came out at night, and cleaned the sand. If it got really hungrey it'd stick its arms out and catch brine/flake food and eat it. And it was housed with small fish, but never gave them any greif. They do work, just in the dark, and they move very fast.


You are on the rigth track, as for snails and hermit crabs, that might be too much, try like 5 less. Other than that you are go to go.