55 stocking



I currently have
1 sabae clown
1 Royal Gramma
1 Diamond Goby
1 yellow tang
1 pepermint shrimp
1 cleaner shrimp
1 emerld crab
few hermits
few snails
and corals
60lbs of LR
60lbs of LS
I kind of want to add a flame angle. Would that be ok? Or do I already have enough fish for my tank?


I feed all my fish brine shrimp and Omega One flakes, as well as Algae strips for the tang.


it seems like it would be okay, but i woud suggest getting rid of the yellow tang. They get to be to big and need a lot of swimming space. It you get rid of the tang there is no doubt in my mind that it would be okay. you could probably even get a couple more small-medium sized fish.


I have:
1 Yellow Tang
1 Maroon Clown
2 Two striped Damsels
3 Blue Green Chromis
1 Banded watchman Goby
1 Peppermint Shrimp
1 Cleaner Skunk Shrimp
In my opinion, as long as you do weekly water changes, you can control your bioload. I have a reef tank, and what's a reef without fish? The type and size of fish is also dependant on how much rock you have, i.e swimming room.


I agree with khaotic2 as long as you do good water changes you can get by with a little small tank. The yellow tang is your focal point something that everyone will be looking at most so why get rid of it. They are sapposed to be in about a 60 on up 55 is only 5 gallons less so you should be ok. You can get the angel but try not to get anymore big fish after the angel because your tank wouldent handle it. If you wanna add more fish besides the angel you may want to try a cardinal. They would go good with your fish.