55 to 90 transfer

andy thmei

New Member
Well I have a 55 right now that's what I started with, it's been running a little over a yr. now. Im in the process of getting a 90 gallon, does anyone have any suggestions on transfering everything over. I have crush coral and about 70lbs of live rock, anenomes, hard and soft corals. Also want to switch over to live sand, i think it would be much better, any input?


if your switching to new sand it will be alot easier so you can put the new sand in the new tank first then move all your water in it and the new water
i recently transfered my 60 gallon to a 140 gallon it was stressing but everythiung worked out perfect


I just did a 55 with crushed coral to a 75 with sand. I put the sand in added all new water and then transferred all of my live rock. I did wait about 5 days before adding all my livestock because the sand took that long to settle. I also had a small ammonia spike, nothing serious and it resolved within a couple of days. I am so glad I went to sand! It looks so much better!!!


Active Member
Are you going to have the new equipment set up and running in unison, both systems at the same time until the transfer is over?


i went to walmart and picked up one of the 50g totes.
Started transfering the water, when enough water got in, i transfered the LR and fish
it wasn't too difficult


Great idea on replacing your crushed coral with live sand.
since youre having new substrate... it would be easier to just fill the tank with new water...... that way you can run ur filters and skimmers til the sand settles and your water is crystal clear...
when youre ready to transfer everything... get like a big plastic tub? .. like the walmart kind.. throw some saltwater in there from your old tank.. place all the corals in there......
then after... move all your live rock to your new tank..... and reaquascape...
remove some water from your new tank... replace it from water from your old tank.....
when you fill it... start adding your corals and all.....
then im sure it will be a peace of cake catching all your fish and inverts since the water level is real low on your old tank now from transfering most of the water to the new tank.....
id put all the inverts in first..... let them get settled in...
then id go by adding the most peaceful fish first.... most agressive last..
goodluck hope everything works out