55 watt hagen laguna pond uv ster. any good for a 210 gallon aNy ideas


New Member
LFS going outta closing and will selle two used ones for 75 each just don't know if they're worth it or over kill one will gone on a 210 fowlr and a 160 cube that will be a reef tank in the progress its a acrylic tank with that was setup as a cave for octopus tank with returns and 200 with stand. Making custom stand out of steel and iron also wantedd to know if anyone had any ideas for painting stand . I was thinking about powder coat but not sure how it will hold up with saltwater any ideas and suggestions please thanks.


Active Member
Rhino line the stand could be an option, as well as powder coating probably the better of the 2, but I don't see why you couldn't use some type of expoxy paint to seal the metal. Powder coating will protect the metal, but if you scratch or gouge it, they it would be exposed. I know if you do a little searching you can find threads/pics and talk about how the different materials hold up.


New Member
That's what I was thinking go to a bed liner place and have them spray can get good cheap powder coat any ideas on the uv doing this on my phone sorry for mis spelling and stu ff lol thanks


Active Member
UV shouldn't be any issues....The light is being directed into the tank, and I'm figuring or assuming sand on the bottom, so figuring UV would really be none existent IMO......Some might have a different opinion, but I'm also thinking the metal stand would have some sort of skin, or covering over top so again not really exposed.