550 gallon fowlr in wall diary


Active Member
Originally Posted by clekchau http:///t/388784/550-gallon-fowlr-in-wall-diary#post_3430967
do you mean after the crash? it was rather sad, fish all died within 2 weeks, the rest took another 2 to 3 months to fully recover with alot of backbreaking water changes, hypo, etc .
No, from the other tank to this one. Fish death is not VERY NICE, but your tank is. That is what I was refering to was the new tank, how long did it take you to get this one all the way set up?


prep work was 4 hours for the carpenter to expand the hole in wall, take out window. the aquarium guys got here with the tank at 10 am and was finished moving the 600 out, moving the 550 in , transferring the water, live rock, fish, plumbed, uv etc by 10 pm. so roughly 16 hours total.
Originally Posted by Jerth6932 http:///t/388784/550-gallon-fowlr-in-wall-diary/20#post_3430974
No, from the other tank to this one. Fish death is not VERY NICE, but your tank is. That is what I was refering to was the new tank, how long did it take you to get this one all the way set up?


some more small fish, blue damsel and tank bred occelaris clown, damsel has been with me for 12 years, usual damsel spunky, hardy, a little aggressive but not so bad. clownfish came in as 3 tank bred from live aquaria, one was doa, one died in 3 days, this one survived but hangs out in the corner although he is always eating etc, he just seems unhappy. we are considering starting a small nano and moving him there as the lone fish with a rbta. my wife feels bad for him lol but he isn't picked on and eating great so


bicolor foxface and scribbled rabbitfish about 4 and 3 inches, these guys are best buds always going up and down the sides and across the entire 8' footprint, don't bother anyone, eating great, grazing on algae etc great fish, highly recommended


longnose butterfly 4 inches, my fav butterfly, his swimming patterns are so cool, upside down, backwards etc, always on the go and front and center, not phased by bigger more aggressive fish, just a great all around fish and very beautiful


pakistani butterfly 1 inch, such a cool little fish, seems he explores every nook and cranny, eating well, really neat patterns:


rounding out the stock mainly for color and activity
saddle butterfly about 3 inches and racoon butterfly (4.5 inches), they haven't ate much, picked on some rocks, not sure if they will make it, i tried so many different ways to get them to eat, he doesn't show signs of stress etc and swims and acts like a champ but he's really thin



i'll post the good and the bad, my one big dissapointment, queen angel who i don't think will make it. i got him from *********** as opposed to diver's den not sure if thats why, he came in almost full adult color and beautiful, eating etc, however in 2 days he started breathing heavy and now quite reclusive. not sure if he will make it and really bummed out about it but as everyone knows, these things happen, doesn't make it less sad but yeah...

tangs rule

Active Member
Very Nice build! I love your longnose - I lost mine earlier this year as he jumped out of the DT when I was away....I had to crack up looking at your first pics of the tank - getting the tank into the house......brought back memories of setting up my 475 glass oceanic:

I bought a little cheepo trailer at harbor freight to move mine around...made it EASY



great news, queen is starting to come out of his shell, venture out more and eating well, i was worried for a bit because every queen i've ever had was very bold and aggressive, this one is a little shy. he's already got great color for being so young, i look forward to him getting bold and beautiful!