The Kevlin temp of a bulb is related to the color spectrum the bulb emits, ex.4K=red, 55K=yellow, 65K=yellow/white, 10K=white, 12K=white/blue, 20K=blue, this varies to a degree with brand and type of bulb. If you have florescent actinics you can use a lower kelvin bulb, but it was also depend on what type of florescents you have, normal output or VHO, with NO you could use 10K and get a pretty good color, but a lower K bulb may be too intense for the NO to supplement. With VHO your tank may be too blue with 10K and you may want to try a 55-65K bulb. Its really a matter of opinion, but lower K bulb tend to cast less, last longer, and burn brighter that higer K bulbs. HTH