55g complete setup 4 sale


Tank,Stand,Canopy,skimmer,fuge,heater,65X4 PC lights(new ballast) powerheads 100lb live sand ready to go...up and running right now. $300 will deliver if reasonable distance. If anyone is interested I'll give any details needed here.


The skimmer is the hang on the back "Aqua C Remora" with a 1200 powerhead running it. Its the largest skimmer you can get for HOB type. The lighting is Current 65x4 2 atinics 2day bulbs with moon lights and 1 new ballast that I purchased from hellolights. The HOB fuge is also largest type I could buy and its a CPR with a 1200 powerhead running it. Stand and canopy is honey oak with double opening doors for storage...Its all up and running as I type this I moved my livestock over into my 120 and the 55 has got to go. I do have a digital camera and I can get you pictures tonight right now Its mothers day and I got the a couple of them to take care of....lol Give me your email and Ill send them to you.


I would love to upload the pictures but its saying they are too large. If you give me an email address I'll send them to you I have them on my desktop right now.


pics look good. have a deal working right now for a 75 gallon bowfront corner tank local w/live sand and rock for just alittle more $$ so I'm gonna check that out alittle more. Thanks though


Originally Posted by reef46
can you email me pics at besimon @ eagle . fgcu . edu
i'll be up in kentucky in a couple weeks (with my truck)


reef no problem I'll get you some pictures today right now its 5am Sat morning and Im at work. When I get home tonite I'll get you those pictures.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BreckCo.KY
Tank,Stand,Canopy,skimmer,fuge,heater,65X4 PC lights(new ballast) powerheads 100lb live sand ready to go...up and running right now. $300 will deliver if reasonable distance. If anyone is interested I'll give any details needed here.
Breck, if the other guy didn't get the skimmer and you would part it out, I would be interested?


Reef I sent the pictures to this email besimon@eagle.fgcu.edu hope thats right. Janice I need an email addy to send pics to if you like to see the tank and I would have to ask UPS or local mail office how much shipping would be I'm sure its high. Grumpy Its still all together and I would like to give it sometime to sell as a complete package ,but if It does not move that will be an option. Fish1031 you have mail.