55g lion and snowflake what else


im goin to get a 55g with canister filter small peguin powerhead two aquaculter hang-ons. im most probably goin to a dwarf lion and a snowflake eel maybe a valetine puffer what else if anything


Active Member
go with the 55. a snowflake and a dwarf lion would do awesome in there. id skip the valintini as it would be pushing your stocking limits and could possibly nip the lions' fins. bo


Right now a friend of mine has a small chainlink eel and a lion in a 30gallon. Not the tank to raise them in, but it is ok for now. Both fish are very healthy and once the eel gets bigger, he will get at least a 55 gallon.


in the 30(which i will more than likely get 55 in a lil) what would be a goud companion for the lion what about red hawkfish or anything


Your tank (55) would be perfect with the three you mentioned. Valentini, dwarf and snow.
As for the 30 - if you can find a decent sized Valentini I would suggest that to go with your snow. A hawk would also be good with a snow - I would suggest a Flame Hawk
I had both in my 55 and the eel was kind of hyper for my valentini at night and causing him to have a hard time sleeping.