55g setup


I have a 55g tank with 50# of LS and 75# of LR. I only have two false perc. Clowns in the tank now and a feather duster. I am trying to plan out the rest of the inhabitants to the tank so I can get them in the correct order. Please give me some input here. Thanks.
I would like to add...
1- lawnmower blenny
1- copperband Butterfly
1- Heiniochus Butterfly
2- firefish gobies
1- diamond goby
1- yellow tang
cleanup crew will consist of crabs, snails, emerald crab, sand sifting cucumber,cleaner shrimp, coral banded shrimp, and a brittle star.
Oh, yeah the wife wants a purple lobster also.


The order shouldn't be too much of a problem, but to avoid conflict I'd try to add both butterfly's at once (2nd to last additions) and the yellow tang as your final addition... However, be careful with your bioload... Your talking about having 9 fish in a 55 gal, 2 being butterflies and 1 tang so its possible you can run into nutrient buildup and algae issues down the road.. Not to mention as those fish grow the problem will more than likely grow worse...


Active Member
i'd skip on the yellow tang...it will be fine for a while but not long term...if u have to have that tang..i'd add it last...


Active Member
Be prepared to preform many water changes to keep your nutrients in check. 9 fish is a very heavy bio-load for a 55 especially with 3 large fish (butterflies and tang). Also make sure you have done your research on the copper-band butterfly they are somewhat difficult to keep make sure they are eating prepared foods before you buy. Lawn-mowers also have a reputation for not eating prepared foods.
The emerald crab and cleaner shrimp will probably become lunch for the Coral banded shrimp and not sure who will come out on top between the shrimp and the lobster. Coral banded as a rule aren't very social when it comes to other shrimp and crabs (hermits are fine).


Thanks for the input. I have not had good luck with lawnmowers in past tanks, maybe skip out on it and a good cleanup crew can "cut the grass". I was thinking it may be better to do 2 heini's rather and skip on the Copper. I think that the heini will do better as a pair. The wife is the one who really wants the Copper. Which leads to the lobster. We had one for years, and it doesn't do much but hide, we actually found out it was dead when tearing down the tank to move and not finding it. I am very open to my stock, goal of peaceful tank with color and activity. Which shrimp would be more beneficial, CBS or Cleaner?


Active Member
Niether probably have a huge impact on cleanup, the cleaner will probably be more visible, CBS tend to hide all you can see are there antennas sticking out most of the time plus they can become aggressive towards fish.


Which will mix better with the Lobster if I get one? What the opinion on the Purple Lobster, good, bad?


In a 55, skip the Heniochus, YT, and butterfly. The Heniochus grows to over seven inches and prefers to be in a school. A yellow tang will just go nuts in a 55 until the health declines. A copperband grows to well over seven inches. They are hit and miss. Even in very established, and larger, tanks they can have trouble feeding.


Active Member
Originally Posted by chasar
Which will mix better with the Lobster if I get one? What the opinion on the Purple Lobster, good, bad?
After doing some quick research on the Purple lobster I would skip it entirely they are very aggressive and will catch and consume small fish, snails, shrimp, and crabs.