55G TruVu Reef


New Member
I have been wanting to put this us for a long time now but was to lazy.. =) So here it is. All reef and a few fish. I also got a Blue Ribbon Eal to eat. Ill get more pics l8ter...


heart & sole

nice tank that bubble coral is crazy big...im sure your going to here alot of comments about having 2 tangs in a 55g


New Member
They did fight a bit at first, but i got the Sail fin first in my 30G. then when i switched to the 55G I got the tomani and put them in at the same time.


New Member
My light cycle Actinic On 10:30
Right MH On 12:00
Left MH On 3:00
Right MH Off 5:00
Left MH Off 8:00
Actinic Off 9:45
Night light Off 11



New Member
The only eel I know u can have in a reef tank is a blue ribbon. Also a engineer goby. but thats not really an eel.