55gal Filtration


I have a 55 gal FOWLR that I acquired from a neighbor about 7 months ago the only filtration it had was an UG filter on ½ the tank. I have since put a HOT Penguin bio wheel 330. I have read a lot of negative threads about wet dry filters I was wondering what would be the best filtration option for this set up. I hope to some day add some hardy corals such as mushrooms or polops when I get my NO3 down to an acceptable level and buy better lighting. Any input would be a great help. Thank you


I think one of the reasons that you see negitive threads on wet/dry's is because people are looking for a more natural way to filter. So they take out the bio balls and replace it with liverock and or sand in the sump area to try to accomplish this. There is really no reason to do this. A wet dry is very efficant, bio balls have far more oxygenating capabilities because they have on average more surface area per volume than liverock in its place. More surface area will give you a higher load capacity overall. The other mistake people make is beliveing that a wet/dry with bio balls is a nitrate factory which is only true if you are lazy with maintanance and over feed your tank. If you overfeed your system then any filtration that you have will become a nitrate factory, even a DSB that can't handle the excess nutrients will spill over into the system causing a nitrate spike.
There are opinons out there that wet/dry's should not be used on a reef tank but I disagree, they are easy to maintain, process the water by breaking down the ammonia and nitrites, and provide high gas exchange. Sometimes you may have to clean some of the bio balls which is no big deal, you take out a couple hand fulls and rinse them and put them back, the way some people talk about this chore you would think they had to walk 10 miles down to the sea to get water for a water change.
A wet/dry is just one method of filtration, but they are not as evil as some people think, and like any other piece of equipment you own if properly maintained it will give you good service.


Best filtration on a 55, well depends on what you are willing to spend. Do you want to add a sump,fuge,wet/dry or something, these would give you very good filtration. A sandbed would give you very good filtration. A couple of powerheads, and two of those penguins would be good and help your liverock to do its job of filtration. Lots of options and opinions here.
Are you using the UGF and Crushed Coral now? If so this might make a difference on what is recommended.


I am currently using the UGF but I am looking forward to taking it out when I get the other filtration going.


Thank you guys! That answered my question I guess the questions now is. “Are some wet dry filters better than others?” The guy at the LFS pushed the CPR system. Is this mainly due to the self priming overflow box? Or are there other features that make it a better system?


I don't use the CPR system. What you might want to do is either plug the CPR word into the search function on the upper right of the screen or start a seperate thread and ask for opinions there.
Optionally you can make a sump or wet/dry from a rubbermaid tub.