55gal FOWLR Stock & Schedule


New Member
I'm doing up my outline and pricing for the 55gal FOWLR I'm planning and would just like some input if my amounts of critters and schedule is ok and on track.
After cycling with live rock (substrate I want is not live...so however long for the tank to get itself into shape...I'm in no rush here):
Clean-up crew (after 1 month in QT??)
5 Halloween Hermits
10 Jade Hermits
10 Turbo/Astrea snails
(can I also at this time put in a small group of shaving brush plants (like 5 or so)? - or should they come later, like after I upgrade my lighting (dumb question alert)?)
2-3 months after clean-up crew intro and 1 month in QT (so more like 3-4 months)
2 Firefish Gobies
3-4 months after Gobies intro to DT and 1 month in QT (more like 4-5 months)
2 Pink Skunk Clowns
Or should I do the clowns first and then the gobies?
The reason I'm planning the clowns for the last addition to the tank, is because before adding them I'm planning on upgrading my lights because I would like to have a long tentacled anemone for them....unless it will grow way too big for the tank. Then the little guys may have to live without. (just the T5 fixture I'm looking at adds more to the budget right at start up, and since it isn't an immediate necessity....)
Thank you!


I would do the clowns first as they are hardier then the fire fish. Also fire fish tend to fight with each other so unless you get a proven pair i recommend only one. Honeslty waiting three months before adding a clown fish is a little over protective and a month is alittle excessive for QTing a clown. Wait on the plants as they need alot of light. They also tend to die rather quickly from what i have read and seen. Try another plant/algae such as halimida.


New Member
I'd honestly rather be over protective in my OCD than the alternative....but that's why I came here because most things I've read other places said 3 to 4 weeks in quarantine...so I just normally budget for the high end on things. It's easier to shorten something.
Wouldn't the pairing issue on the clowns be the same as the gobies? I'll need to make sure they're a proper pair and not just two fish tossed in a bag...


New Member
And...I'm an idiot. I've been going over so many things lately I got my clowns confused with something else.

On that subject though, while I know they do ok without an anemone, it will still be ok to add one later on...or is it better when they're younger fish?