55gal setup


New Member
My wife and i are wanting to setup a 55 gal fish only tank. We have heard horror stories and have had pet stores tell us to basically hand our walletts over any help would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
See, the problem is this hobby isn't just a hobby. For many it's an addiction. An affliction that creeps up on you which typically starts out with folks saying "oh I'll just get a few fish and everything will be fine, it's all good...really". Next thing you know you're building quarantine tanks and extra equipment (hobby begins to bare it's fangs). Next you're adding some inverts to help keep the tank clean and buying more equipment to help combat algae and adding more fish (you're in it's grip). Then you wake up one day and figure you'll try your hand at keeping a coral or two (you black out). Next thing you know you're upgrading lighting, spending more money on products for the water, food, equipment, live rock, live sand, protien skimmers, algae scrubbers, DSB's, reactors, regulators, controllers, upgrading the electrical in your home to handle electricity for frag tanks, quarantines, breeding tanks, hospital tanks and it's all over. By this point you've sold the truck and burned the barn, pawned the dog and then said darn.
Those who don't arm themselves with as much knowledge as humanly possible are typically doomed to failed hopes and bottomless money pits on their hands.
Though, if you educate yourself, read, come to places like this theorize, talk and ask questions,...then maybe, just maybe you will one day have a beautiful tank that has the ability to amaze people and is all done on a relatively modest budget.
Welcome to the site! :)


New Member

See, the problem is this hobby isn't just a hobby. For many it's an addiction. An affliction that creeps up on you which typically starts out with folks saying "oh I'll just get a few fish and everything will be fine, it's all good...really". Next thing you know you're building quarantine tanks and extra equipment (hobby begins to bare it's fangs). Next you're adding some inverts to help keep the tank clean and buying more equipment to help combat algae and adding more fish (you're in it's grip). Then you wake up one day and figure you'll try your hand at keeping a coral or two (you black out). Next thing you know you're upgrading lighting, spending more money on products for the water, food, equipment, live rock, live sand, protien skimmers, algae scrubbers, DSB's, reactors, regulators, controllers, upgrading the electrical in your home to handle electricity for frag tanks, quarantines, breeding tanks, hospital tanks and it's all over. By this point you've sold the truck and burned the barn, pawned the dog and then said darn.

Those who don't arm themselves with as much knowledge as humanly possible are typically doomed to failed hopes and bottomless money pits on their hands.

Though, if you educate yourself, read, come to places like this theorize, talk and ask questions,...then maybe, just maybe you will one day have a beautiful tank that has the ability to amaze people and is all done on a relatively modest budget.


Welcome to the site! :)
HaHaHaHa that is so true it's not even funny! But it is hilarious


Active Member

See, the problem is this hobby isn't just a hobby.  For many it's an addiction.  An affliction that creeps up on you which typically starts out with folks saying "oh I'll just get a few fish and everything will be fine, it's all good...really".  Next thing you know you're building quarantine tanks and extra equipment (hobby begins to bare it's fangs).  Next you're adding some inverts to help keep the tank clean and buying more equipment to help combat algae and adding more fish (you're in it's grip). Then you wake up one day and figure you'll try your hand at keeping a coral or two (you black out).  Next thing you know you're upgrading lighting, spending more money on products for the water, food, equipment, live rock, live sand, protien skimmers, algae scrubbers, DSB's, reactors, regulators, controllers, upgrading the electrical in your home to handle electricity for frag tanks, quarantines, breeding tanks, hospital tanks and it's all over.  By this point you've sold the truck and burned the barn, pawned the dog and then said darn.
Those who don't arm themselves with as much knowledge as humanly possible are typically doomed to failed hopes and bottomless money pits on their hands.
Though, if you educate yourself, read, come to places like this theorize, talk and ask questions,...then maybe, just maybe you will one day have a beautiful tank that has the ability to amaze people and is all done on a relatively modest budget.
Welcome to the site!  :) 
Well done Quills.....haha.