55gal. stocking list


Hows this sound?
1 coral beauty
1 yellow tang
1 red head solon fairy wrasse
3 green chromis
5 nassarius snails
5 scarlet hermits
2 cleaner shrimp
corals also (not sure yet what kinds) leaning toward pumping xenia
Multiple mushrooms
I'm open for debate. Also I' am really fond of tangs, If they're are any that a 55 would be sufficient enough to support let me know please!


Active Member
IMO that stocking list sounds like a bit much. I personally don't like to see tangs in a 55, but thats just me. I would go with either the tang, CB, or wrasse. Pick 1 of those, the chromis, and maybe a couple of smaller fish.


I havent purchased that tank yet. I'm planning out its constuction. What type of filtration do you recommend?


I agree, that sounds like a ton of fish for a 55. pick one of the first three, and add more snails (astreas and turbos).
Also, the more fish you add, the harder it is to maintain water quality due to an increased bio-load, and thus it would be very hard to keep the coral alive. If you would like coral, then add fewer fish, and IMO (i) a ton of live rock, and (ii) a skimmer.
If you add a lot of fish, then you would also probably need (iii) some kind of wet/dry or cannister filter.
Hope it helps, and good luck with the tank.


Active Member
that sounds ok to me also, 3 small fish and 3 medium fish in a 55 gallon. none of those fish get huge should be happy in there


I think its going to depend on what type of filtration your running. If you have a good sump/fuge with a skimmer then you have more options. Down the road i think you might have problems with that bioload once they get bigger. Just my 2 cents.


Active Member
Get a 75 gallon instead if you can afford it....Then you will be ok with those fish. The 75 gallon is the same 4 foot length, only 5 inches wider. The filtration and lighting will hardly be any more expensive and you will be happier in the long run. Lesley