55gal vs 75 gal


What are the benefits of going with a 75gal vs a 55 gal other than more water means system will be more stable. Seems to me you are getting the same amount of viewing area and having the added expense of filling up the extra 6 inches of depth.
More water volume (added stability) and bottom surface area I presume are the most beneficial reasons.
Plus, some say that a 75 gal should be the minimum to house a tang.....and well....people like tangs...and other larger fish.
my 2 cents..........MCF


Active Member
most 75's have an additional 5 inches of depth ( not height, but "depth" from the back glass to front glass )
This additional room makes stacking live rock much easier for a reef tank, plus it allows more room underneath the tank in the stand for sumps/fuges/skimmers ...etc.
You can fit more lighting over a 75 than a 55 - again better in many folks opinion for use as a reef tank.
I think a 75 offers more flexibility for a reef tank over a 55.
Other than that - just 20 gallons and some more cash ;)


Active Member
I agree with all the above comments. I like my 90g tank. It's the same length as the 55 and 75. It's just as deep front to back as the 75. But it is taller and that makes a lot of difference in your options. Get the bigger tank you will like it in the end.


A question fro the above post that a 75 gal. is the least you should have to have a tang. I have read tis and read all teh arguments about it. My question is does it really matter that the tang as that exta few inches from front to back in a 75 gal. than in a 55 gal. tank? I mean I dont really see that much more room for the tang. Is he really going to swin in a s formation down the tank to get more swimming room? Maybe he is, I am not sure but it just does not seem to be that much more room for a tang. I have a 55 gal. tank and I want a tang but have not gotten one for the reason that everyone has said. I just dont see that a few more inches deep is really going to help them all that much.
I have 2 percula clowns right now.

chef jaysen

JC the funny part is that with the 75gal they probably filled the extra space with live rock and coral. BUT to keep the tang police happy.....No tang in less than a 75. Just deal with it. My .0002
:D :) :D


I agree there has to be a starting point somehwere. I just thought it was funny that it was between the 75 gal. and the 55 gal. I know that some tangs require more. I just wanted to get a small yellow tang. Hoping in the future I can get another tank. Then if I dont end up getting another tank I dont want to have to take the fish back. I have 2 percula clowns in there now. i got the tank before I found this board and learned some stuff just like many on here. :D What do you do?. :D I would really like one but if it will not do good in there than I dont want to harm the fish.


Go for the 75. If you dont you will wish you did right after you set up the 55. I just put up a 45 gallon reef and I wish that I had bought the 90 gallon that was right next to it. Everyone always wants bigger. good luck with what ever you chose, and keep us posted, thanks ricky


Active Member
I think the 75 v. 55 issue with tangs is the turn around space ... since it adds an extra 5" it makes it easier for the fish to swim to one end - and do gentle U turn.
Yes a Tang call pull a U turn in 55 but it is tighter and Tangs are highly susceptible to Ick - and the more stress the more chance of ick. The bigger the tank - the easier the movement - the lower the stress level.


I have 60# of LS and 20# LR I plan to get more LR. I am not really looking for some to say it is ok to get one in a 55 gal. :D More just looking for your opinion. :D I am not going to though. I will wait tell I get another tank. Which I want to when I can. Then I will just transfer everything and add more stuff.


I almost forgot. I was asking questions so I forgot to give me opinion. I would go for the 75 gal. for sure. I have a 55 gal. and wish I had more. :D I am always looking for another tank. :D To move up to at least a 75 gal. or more. Like I said. I have a 55 gal. and wish I had more. I got it used though so I really did not have a choice at the time. The price was right.


55gal is horrible for a reef tank. You need that extra depth for live rock that a 75 will give you. That x-tra 20 gallons really will make a difference. Bigger usually is better, of course it always cost more. But in the long run you'll be glad you got it.


New Member
I say.. if you are thinking about a 75 over a 55.. then why not get a 90 gallon or bigger? I right now have a 55 and wouldnt even waste my time of putting everything I have in a 75 and considering it an Upgrade... when my stuff leaves the 55 (which it will) its going in 100 gallon or bigger.. this is just my $.02 as far as tangs.. I honestly dont think the tang is any happier in a 75 over a 55... least mine never said.. " Hey you out there.. get me a 75... this 55 is killing me" :) .. I think in all fairness the limit on a tang should be 100> gallons if you want the safety of thinking the tang is happy in our little pieces of the ocean.. :D


Active Member
couple of points, now the 75 is deeper form front to back, this offers more turn around as well as less stream lining
knida like us and elbow room
who wants to ride a rail straight back and forth, the extra is more comfortable
also on to the originla question
the 75 also offers a deepr front to back, thus offering more sq footage in the footprint
this means a larger biofilter by nearly 50%