

I'm going to be upgrading my 30gal agressive to a 55gal. I currently have a picasso trigger 2-3", yellow box fish 3", and a blu head wrasse 4-5" in the 30. My question is would putting a snowflake eel in the 55gal with these 3 other fish be overcrowing it. I'll think i'll be putting about 30=40lbs of live rock in there whenits all said and done, Thanks


Come now, an expert should *know* this! They're all probably avoiding telling you that your boxfish gets 18" long because you've already made it perfectly obvious that you don't give half a damn about your fish.
Or maybe they're worried that if they tell you that your trigger may pose a threat to your eel that you might throw a fit and snap on them.


Well, maybe his brainpan is so large that simple mathmatics are below his ability, as it was for Einstein. One would think that being so knowledgeable, he would already understand all of this, though. :p


Active Member
Your post was uncalled for, so I edited it. I don't know what your problem is, but get over it. We are not here to flame, we are hear to help. Bo


thank you for the replies , i don't think i'll be purchasing a snowflake. I do however care very much about my fish i just don't appreciate that people feel I had "DUMB LUCK" with them. Just because isn't what u would doesn't make it wrong. and FYI I've been in the process of building a 125gal for my tangs which will be ready in a few months. So don't call the "tang police" on me.
there is no need to castrate the poor kid. the only way to learn is to try things. i am sure once the box fish gets to big he will take it back, also in my previous tank(before my bluespots) i kept a niger trig a snowflake eel, and a pack of pushy damsels in a 55 no prob.
but then again my friend and his niger trig, chainlink eel got into a bit of a tiff. so be ware.