55gallon 0r 75 gallon


New Member
Hello everyone
I have kept freshwater fish for years but now I want to do a reef tank. I have a 55gallon tank I got from my mom. I have been reading books about fish and corals. I think 75 gallon would be better.
This is a list of what I have already;
55gallon tank (but want 75)
about 80lbs of lr in bucket with power heads ( do water change about every two weeks)
Pro clear aquatic system model 175
visi-therm steath heater 200watt
maxi-jet 1200(2)
ecosystem refuguim 100(this came with it)
10lbs of miracle mud
18watt power compact light fixture
rio 2100waterpump
intake and return flex hose with fittings
I want to do fish and lr first then start with low light corals.


i think that a 20g difference would be a little change. i think a 20g upgrade would be a little small. like i said i would go as big as you possible can.
i would use live sand.
circulation and live rock i think you would be ok.
if you can i would get the best lights you can. trust me you'll save alot more money along the road. and you will be more pleased


New Member
I was going to buy CaribSea SeaFlor Fiji Pink Reef Sand and CaribSea Araga-Live Fiji Pink 20. lighting 36" 2x96W Coralife Aqualight
PC Hood, 1xActinic and 1x10,000K
Lamps* (2)
I do have some retro lights to go in canopy and a 175 watt mh but That will go in canopy.


Active Member
Since you already have it, I'd just stick with the 55. In the long run, the 75 is going to cost you more to maintain (plus what you'll have to spend just to buy it) and that's money that you could spend right now to fill your 55 with fish and corals.


New Member
These are the fish I would like to keep
Red lip bleeny 2 orange skunk clownfish
royal gramma
a goby
filament flasher wrasse mandarin goby(after a year)
corals I want
leather toadstool
green star polyp
bubble coral
brain coral
fox coral