My current stocklist
Pair of Clowns
1x Cleaner Shrimp
2x Pep Shrimp
1x Pistol Shrimp
1x Porcelain Crab
3x Emerald Crabs
1x Red Mithrax
1x Sexy Shrimp
1x Conch
Misc snails and hermits
nebula zoas
rainbow zoas
kryptonite zoas
pink rim PE zoas
green belezza zoas
eagle eyes zoas
radioactive dragon eyes zoas
reverse gorrilla nipples zoas
candy apple pink zoas
green zoas
green dot black outside zoas
armor of god zoas
tubs blues zoas--lost in tank ATM
goochsters zoas
bambam orange zoas
whammin watermelons
(missing some zoas)
4x blue rics
2x green rics
2x orange rics
5-6head candy cane
Many headed acan
misc mushrooms
kenya tree---lost in tank
Green Brain--WANT TO SELL!!!30$ and a free whammin watermelon frag!
You should get a Six-line Wrasse or a couple Bangaii Cardinals. Just so you know, my Six-line Wrasse decided to go carpet surfing and I found him the next day... Anyways, nice tank!
im thinking as a final stock list
Bicolor Blenny
Dwarf Angel
sixline or like a fairy wrasse or smthng
and a scooter or mandarin a while from now