55gallon or 75gallon


New Member
Hello everyone
I have kept freshwater fish for years but now I want to do a reef tank. I have a 55gallon tank I got from my mom. I have been reading books about fish and corals. I think 75 gallon would be better.
This is a list of what I have already;
55gallon tank (but want 75)
about 80lbs of lr in bucket with power heads ( do water change about every two weeks)
Pro clear aquatic system model 175
visi-therm steath heater 200watt
maxi-jet 1200(2)
ecosystem refuguim 100(this came with it)
10lbs of miracle mud
18watt power compact light fixture
rio 2100waterpump
intake and return flex hose with fittings
I want to do fish and lr first then start with low light corals.
Sounds like your about set to go..except for lighting and skimmer.
Since you already have the tank do you really want to spend the money for 20 more gallons and a stand.Yeah 75gal. is easier to work with since its wider than a 55.Really the choice is up to you.I would go ahead and get lights for the corals you want to keep now instead of a fixture now and upgrading again.Again the choice is really up to you.


New Member
These are the fish I would like to keep
Red lip bleeny 2 orange skunk clownfish
royal gramma
a goby
filament flasher wrasse mandarin goby(after a year)
corals I want
leather toadstool
green star polyp
bubble coral
brain coral
fox coral


New Member
I was going to buy CaribSea SeaFlor Fiji Pink Reef Sand and CaribSea Araga-Live Fiji Pink 20. lighting 36" 2x96W Coralife Aqualight
PC Hood, 1xActinic and 1x10,000K
Lamps* (2)


Active Member
I built a DIY stand that can fit up to a 75 gallon tank (and it cost $80 to build whereas the LFS wanted around $200 for theirs). I regret not getting the 75 gallon tank to go on top of it.
HOWEVER, since you already have a 55 gallon tank, I am going to assume that you have the 55 gallon tank stand. In that case, I would just use what you have. Unless, of course, you have someone willing to buy the 55 and stand and you'll have plenty of money to buy a new 75...
Is a 36" light going to fit over your tank? Aren't 55 gallon tanks 48" long? And I would aim for at least 4 wpg to keep a brain coral. What you suggested is around 3.4. IMHO that may be a little low, unless you position that coral higher on your rocks.


I started with a 55 and found it was too restrictive. When I knew I would not leave the hobby I picked up a 72 bow front used. I then was still not happy as I wanted more and more. You can never have too much tank! I am limited space wise by the room I use (tv room) as I can only go 48 long. When I went to get a 90 gal I saw a sale for a 75 for only $99. took it home with me.
My point is get what you want. The 55 was free to you so it can be a big QT tank or a second tank (mine is) or tag sale it. if you keep it maybe later on it can be your sump for your 220 (if you get that far). If your heart says 75 go for it as the tank is the cheap part.
Last comment: Don't skimp on lights. If you cheap out now you pay more later in upgrades. Buy a nice tek t5 system or similar. Good lights, low heat, lower cost.


i agree with everyone... i was in the exact same situation as you. I had a 55 gallon freshwater tank and converted to salt. Now i have had it for about 6 months and want something wider (so 75 or larger). I personally think save your money and stick with the 55 and invest in nice equipment(lights and/or skimmer) and when you understand saltwater better think about the investment into a larger tank. PLUS! then you have a nice tank as a sump later.
Also...if you do go with the 75 gallon may i suggest a 90. they usually aren't much more expensive and you get the extra 15 gallons which never hurts.